An unwelcomed visit

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Hey guys! Have a quick message. So, do you like the story? Do you want me to continue or not? Plz answer. Anyway, chapter 2 is comingggggg NOW!

     Leos POV

     He wasn't feeling too safe. Having one of your most powerful friend stolen from their bed at night and taken to Tartarus can do some things to your head. After he cut the hose off from the iris message to Olympus, trying  to talk to Piper proved pointless. She immediately walked back to the Big House, and after a worried glance to each other, Hazel, Frank, and me ran after her.

     "- need to hold a meeting," she was talking to Chiron when she turned arouned to find three of them behind her. "I won't attend, but these guys can tell you everthing you need to know."

     "Ok, but....nevermind." Leo thought Chiron was going to say something about why Piper wouldn't want to stay, but he was cut off when he saw three faces. Piper didn't seem to care too much what he was going to say anyway. She pushed between the three of them and walked down the hill.

     "I'll be in my cabin," she said quietly as she left. Leo knew that she didn't want to be disturbed.

     (Later, after explaining the problem to Percy who was at the beach)

     "Hey! Listen up!" Leo yelled at the table of campers. There were ten in total: Chiron, Annabeth, Percy, Will, Connor, Travis, Nico, Rachel, and Leo himself of course.

     "What's happened, and where's Piper and Jason?" Clarrise demaned. Always staright to the point.

     "Well, the good news is, we know were both of them are, and Piper's in her cabin," Started Annabeth.

     "But the bad news is....." Percy continued.

      "Jasons been taken to Tartarus," Leo finished. Someone had to say it. Gasps and chatter spread around the table. 

     "Oi! Shaddup!" Leo shouted again. "Theres not much we can do at the moment, so let's not panic! 'cause that's  not gonna get us anywhere!"

     "I'm sorry, did I hear you right? You're saying one of our most powerful demigod has just been taken - without anyone noticing, might I add - down to Tartarus?" Will asked incredulousy. "Now I understand Pipers in her cabin. This would be hard for her to bear listning to." 

     Suddenly, Green vapors filled the room, and everyone looked over at Rachel. 

     "Evil has took one, he wants three,

     The cost of sacrifice is not free

     Two shall become bound with a skin called leather

     Oppsites attract; light and darkness or water will previal only when together." 

     The green fog shut off all at once, and Rachel returned to her normal state.

     "What was the prophecy?" She asked tiredly. She had become used to not remembering the prophecies, even though she spoke them. But that didn't mean she liked or got used to the attention that was given to her when she did speak them.

     'Evil has took one one, he wants three. The cost of sacrifice is not free. Two shall become with a skin called leather. Opposites attract; light and darkness or water will previal only when together," Nico recieted, suprising everyone with his memorising ability.

     "Well the first line has to mean Tartarus, he has a human form as well, much like Gaea. I guess him having one and wanting three means he has Jason, but want two more demigods," Piper analysed.

     "You don't think that it could mean children of the Big Three? You know you guys are more powerful than us, and it couldn't just be a coincidence that Jason was taken," Travis directed toward Nico and Percy. 

     Chiron sighed. "Unfortunately, that theory makes a lot of sense." 

     "Ok, then the cost of sacrifice is not free is kinda obvious. We're gonna need a sacrifice of some sort, and it's gonna be an important or difficult one," Clarrise said.

     "Bound with leather? Prehaps Tartarus is tying them down with leather could lead to something else....." Percy trailed off. 

     Suddenly, Piper barged into the room, eyes cleary stained red from crying.

      "You guys need to see this." 

Pipers POV

     "Jason," she whispered, but she didn't dare come closer. He was standing on top of Half Blood Hill waiting, with all sorts of terrifiying creatures surrounding him, but it seems like they were obeying him, though, though possibly reluctantly. The ten from the meeting ran up behind her, gasping as they saw what was in front of them.

     "Oh my gods," Annabeth said by Pipers side. Jason turned to look at the gathering crowd, and fixed eyes with Piper. She almost lost it. Because instead of seeing her sparkys beutiful blue eyes, she saw black. Even the whites of his eyes black, like you'd see in a demon's. 

     "Miss me Piper" He bellowed down the hill. The voice wasn't his either. It was different, but still similar. Because not only had her boyfriend been taken from her, but now being possesed by Tartarus. She couldn't bring herself to speak.

     "Hello Piper. I remember how he would flinch when he heard the word Tartarus. Well now he's mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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