Chapter 10: Planning

Start from the beginning

Well shit. Looks like Zoran hasn't fully forgiven Anna yet for disappearing and then reappearing. Siblings. I'm never gonna understand them. I thought to myself while waiting for Anna to get to the very edge of the other side.

"Ready?" Called out Anna

"Yes," said Ariana who looked like she knew what was about to happen and was smirking. "You know what's going on don't you?" I asked her with bewilderment

"Just watch" was all she said before something I never would have guessed happened.

Anna took off running at full speed towards us and had a look of pure determination on her face. She got to the middle of the arena and then she jumped. What was strange was that it wasn't your average human jump. No, no she jumped and went into the air about ten feet high. She then lit up into bright orange, red, yellow and black flames of fire. They surrounded her whole body like a cocoon around a caterpillar. Only instead of a butterfly that would appear, something else entirely different did. It was a bird.

"What the actual fuck?!?" cried out Zoran who jumped down and was walking towards Anna. The bird then lit up and flames again. The wings had black flames around them. Anna started doing all sorts of tricks and was basically showing off. Then it hit me... Oh my God. Anna's a phoenix.

Anna landed and turned back into her human self. However, she had a ball of fire that was in her hand and she was 'playing' with it. "If you haven't guessed what I am. I'm a phoenix more specifically The Phoenix. I'm the first one in a few million years."

She has got to be shitting me. There is no way this is true. "Anna what the hell. Since when could yo-u turn into a fucking bird?!?" I asked angrily. "And when were you planning on telling us anyway?"

"Umm Anna that's really cool and all but what? Umm, why? When? How?" Patrick asked in total shock while Ray stood next to him flabbergasted opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish coming up for food.

"If everyone would be quiet for a second I'd explain," said Anna then walked over to sit on the fence. "Now," she started to say as she made another ball of fire "yes I am a phoenix and they do exist here. It's just been a very long time since there has been one. The last one was a million years ago when Narnia was first created. According to legend, there has to be a person chosen by the former phoenix. How that is me? Well, I don't really know. All I know is that I'm to use my power to help fight evil. In this case, that's Adam. Now that you're all up to speed, Ariana, why don't you catch them up on the plan for tomorrow?"

Ariana had somehow ended up next to me "Yeah let's go to the conference tent and I'll fill you all in." she said and then turned to me smiling

We walked into this giant grey tent that was located in the middle of the camp. Inside the tent, there was a long mahogany table with a big battle map in the middle of the table. It almost took up the whole table. Then surrounding the table was a lot of chairs with two chairs that were bigger than the rest at the heads of the table. I assume those chairs are for General Duralgias and Ariana but as I was thinking that in my head, to my surprise Anna went to one of the chairs and sat down. Interesting. She has a really high rank even though she's only been here for three weeks. Ariana cleared her throat.

"Welcome to the conference room. This is where we make all of our battle plans, debrief, and discuss our next move. You all already know our commander in chief or as she likes to be called General Kesler or just General and her head general, Duralgias. Oh! And you know Captain Justin Alfonso. Sitting to his right is Admiral Oscar Newton, newly promoted, to his right Captain Octavia Nocte, and finally Lieutenant Michale Anderson. There are a few people missing due to them being out spying and setting things up. Oh please take a seat wherever you'd like." Ariana gestured to the empty chairs that remained.

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