Broken -

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— I run to the car and get into the front seat. Quinton runs outside to the car and gets into the drivers seat. We start driving towards the Maccccddddoooonnnnaallllddsss

— when we arrive, I see Mads waving at us while walking towards us..

Jade: How?!

Mads: I found a secret road which is way faster!

Jade: or Quinton is just slow
— Mads laughs and Quinton gives me a look full of confusion

Quinton: never doubt my driving skills!
— I giggle and give him a quick kiss

Quinton: you're cute
— I blush

Mads: okay lovebirds, I'm hungryyy

Jade: me toooo

— we enter the Macdonalds and order our food. I pick a table next to the window. After 5 minutes the waiter brings our food. He looks me up and down and stares into my eyes. I look away, because he is way to young. Haha, but I can see the jealousy in Quinton his eyes..

Quinton: you can go now!
— I can't hold it anymore and I let out my laugh. Mads joins me and we have a laugh attack..

- the waiter leaves and Quinton looks at us..

Quinton: what is so funny?

Jade: you.. where-.. jealous at.. a ten year old..
— I say through my laughs

Quinton: he was the one hitting on you! Did you like it or something??
- he gives me a serious look and I stop laughing

Jade: no, you are my one and only
- I give him a long passionate kiss

Quinton: I love you

Jade: love you too, Quin

— We start eating and me and Mads catch up. We finish and I say goodbye to Mads. Quin and I get into the car and Mads calls me:

I miss you already
Miss you more
We should hang more, I literally never see you anymore
I know, my life is so empty without you
I'll call you tomorrow and we'll catch up again
Yes! Bye, love you
Love you more!!
Bye, my love...

— I end the call..

Quinton: you guys saw each other like 5 minutes ago?!

Jade: I know.. the longest 5 minutes of my life..

Quinton: you've got me though
- he places his hand on my thigh

Jade: how could I forget
- I place my hand on his

— we arrive at the house and I run inside. I lay down on the couch, I'm exhausted. Quinton walks in and locks the door behind him. For safety. He lays down next to me..

Quinton: wanna cuddle and watch a movie?

Jade: yes..
- I say with my eyes half closed

Quinton: don't sleep until tomorrow though, this is our last day together

Jade: I won't, just a quick nap..
- I close my eyes and I feel two strong arms wrap around me....

— I wake up and see Quinton watching one of his shows while he plays with my hair. I squeeze the hug, so he knows I'm awake..

Quinton: well hello..
— he kisses me on the top of my head

Jade: I'm hungryy

Quinton: we can order dinner and eat it here, if you want to?

Jade: yes! And go in the hot tub with snacks and a movie and-

Quinton: yes, and with lots of more food
- he laughs and I blush

Quinton: so what do you want?

Jade: you pick and surprise me
- I jump up and I walk upstairs to grab my phone charger, I can't wait for this night!!

— I am half way up the stairs and I get a call from Anthony:

Jade, we are at the airport! Can you come pick us up
What?! Why?! You guys weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow!
- I feel really disappointed and confused..

I know.. I'm sorry, but Josh is coming home too..
What! Why?! Anthony tell me!
Okay, okay. So...... Josh and Nessa broke up..
- I drop my phone on the stairs and Quinton runs up to me..

Quinton: what's wrong?!
- I pick up my phone..

We'll be there in 30 minutes..

— I end the call and I hug Quinton while breaking down into his chest.. Josh was finally happy with her and Nessa is like a sister to me.. This can't be true..

Quinton: Jade, baby, it's okay..
- he rubs my back and I calm down

Quinton: what just happened?

Jade: the boys are at the airport and we need to pick them up-

Quinton: what?! Why?!
- he sounds just as disappointed as I did

Jade: Josh and Nessa broke up..
- I break down again and Quinton hugs me even tighter

Quinton: okay, lets pick up the boys and than talk about it, okay?
- I just nod and follow Quinton into the car..

— we arrive at the airport and all the boys are waving at us. I ignore it and just stare out of the window.. they get in the car and talk with Quinton, but I don't listen. I just want to be with Josh..

?: Jade!
- I snap back into reality

Jade: what?!
- I ask with a crack in my voice

Jaden: are you okay..?
- I nod and go back to staring out of the window..

— after 30 minutes we arrive at the house and I can't hold it in anymore. I run upstairs and lock myself in my room. I cry into my pillow for about half an hour... then I hear someone knock on my door..


SwayLa life being crazy!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora