Hype house

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— I sat next to Josh and Quinton in the car. We sat in the back and Bryce and Jaden are in front. Bryce is driving. Anthony and Kio stayed at the house. We arrived at the house 30 minutes later. I got out of the car and before I could move I got lifted.

Jade: Tayler!! I missed you!
He puts me down and hugs me

Tayler: I missed you too

Quinton's POV

— who is he? Are they dating? Why didn't she tell me? I feel a little betrayed....

Jade's POV

Tayler: who is this?

Jade: this is Quinton he is the newest homie

Bryce: they kissed..

Jade: Bryce!
I laughed

Tayler: Ooooo, Jade has a boyfriend

Jade: it is not official. Quinton, this is Tayler and he is my best friend since the beginning

Quinton: nice to meet you

— we walked in and said 'hi' to everyone. Addison sees me and comes up to me. She grabs my hand and pulls me with her. I already know we are going to her room.

Addison: who is the new boy? Friends with benefits? Boyfriend? You guys do anything already?

Jade: relax, we just kissed and he showered while I did my makeup

Addison: what!!

Jade: he took a shower while I did my makeup...
I blushed

Addison: someone is in loveeee

— we had a laugh attack. The doorbell rang and we stayed quiet to listen who it was. The door went open and I heard a familiar voice. I immediately got scared and teared up. I am breathing fast, I'm panicking.

Addison: Taylerrrrr!!

— Tayler runs up and opens the door, he closes the door behind him and asks me what is wrong. I showed him my bruises and cuts from the ring the man wore.

Tayler: how did that happen?!

Jade: a guy went into my room and wanted to abuse me, but I screamed and he beat me up. Then I woke up in the hospital.

Tayler: I'm so sorry, why is it bothering you right now?

Jade: I heard his voice downstairs...
I whispered

Tayler: that is why Josh, Bryce, Quinton and that dude went outside.
He hugged me and I continued overthinking in my head: 'please don't hurt Quinton...'

— I must really be in love...  I hugged Addison now and I waited while listening to the door hoping he would walk in here perfectly fine and without any pain..

— a few minutes later the door opened

Quinton: I heard you needed me...
He said giggling

— I go up to him and hug him, soooo tight. I never wanto let him go...

Quinton: it is ok, he was here, because the police had some questions, but we told them you aren't ready

Jade: thank you

— I forget about Tayler and Addison and kiss him. I could feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach, I really care about this boy. We made out for a couple of minutes and I realize that  we are not alone. I blush..

Jade: sorry..

Tayler: don't mind me

Addison: you two are cute

— we both blushed and went downstairs. I am sitting on his lap and we hug a little.

Bryce: we are going back!!

— We were back really quick and I went to my room right away. Tomorrow I have to go to school. Quinton too, but he is one grade higher than me. I already picked my outfit:        and went to bed in my own bed, I am ready

 I already picked my outfit:        and went to bed in my own bed, I am ready

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— I still had all my bruises, so I had to cover most of my body

- middle of the night

I screamed and woke up sweating. A bad dream. It was just a bad dream...  maybe I wasn't ready. I go to the hall and look at the room from Josh. I walk passed it and go into Quinton his room. I put the blankets over me and cuddle him. He makes a soft noice, a happy noice. I fall asleep right away.

- next morning

Quinton: morning, time for school

Jade: yes, I am going to change. See you downstairs, don't be late!

Quinton: I won't

— I change into my outfit and put on my makeup. I really missed my friends. I am pretty popular at my school, not because of my fame, but because I am always there for people. Whenever they need me. I go downstairs

Jade: Quinton, the Uber is here!!

— he comes down and holds my hand while walking to the Uber. I feel happy..

- on school

Jade: see you after school

Quinton: miss you already
I blush and go to my class

- after school

Quinton: heyyy, what's wrong?

Jade: oh eh, nothing. I am just tired from the first day

— one of my guy friends, Nick, acted really weird around me. Did something happen? I will text him

Hi, did I do something?? You acted really weird
No you did nothing😘
Wow, why the kiss. You like me😱🤣😂
Yeah, that's funny. I got to go

— He just cut me off. I definitely did something, he never cuts me off. We got home, I told the boys I have to do homework and I run to my room. I started texting again...

Why did you cut me off. Please tell me what I did🥺
You did nothing, I will tell you next week. Ok? I can't tell right now💕
Ok, I get it. Bye👋

— why can't he tell me right now? I am confused....

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