The pool

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— I dream about going to heaven and seeing Quinton trying to come with my. I scream: 'nooo!! Please, let me go alone!'.......

Quinton: wake up! You are just having a bad dream

— I wake up with tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. I stand up and run towards my bathroom. I lock the door behind me and I slowly slide down to the floor. Quietly I cry and look at my wrist. Why didn't I just do it? Why am I such a softy? I open the kabinet under my sink. Behind my toilet paper there are a couple of bottles with alcohol in them. I take out one bottle and drink half of it. Why not? I drink the full bottle and my throat burns. I try to stand up, but I drank to much. Without caring I walk out of the bathroom. Quinton is sitting on my bed with a worried face.

Jade: let's have some fun! Ohhhhh, I know let's play hide and seek!!

Quinton: are you drunk?

Jade: Noooo, just count till thirty

— I don't hear him count, but I run downstairs. Nobody is there, because it's in the middle of the night. I open the backyard and I lock the door behind me. I here Quinton come down and I wait for him to check the backyard. He tries the door but it's locked and he moves on. After about 1 hour he still hasn't found me

Quinton's POV

where could she be? I start to freak out. I'll go get the boys to help. They know this place better than I do. I run upstairs and wake them all up. We gather in Bryce his room

Quinton: Jade and I are playing hide and seek, because she really wanted to. I didn't count and followed her, because it seemed like she is drunk... I-...... I can't find her anywhere

Josh: we'll help

— We all go look. Me, Jaden and Anthony upstairs and Josh, Griffin and Bryce downstairs. I go in my room and I hear someone sing. I go to my balcony and she her dancing and singing around the pool. She is definitely drunk.

Quinton: I found her!
I scream at Jaden and Anthony

— they walk into my room and I point at her. We laugh, because she looks really silly. Al of the sudden I hear a splash sound. I look down and Jade is in the pool. Her head is down and she isn't moving. I take of my shirt and shoes...

— I jump into the pool from the balcony. I land right next to her. I swim towards her and drag her out of the pool. Josh noticed us and ran back to get a key and open the door. I put Jade down on the floor next to the pool. I feel her pols. She is still alive. I resuscitate her and give her air, blowing it in trough her mouth...

Jade's POV

I puke all water mixed with all the food I had eaten on the pool ground. I gasp for air and I breath really fast. I see Quinton sitting in front of me and he holds my hair back. I hear the door open behind me and I puke what was left in my stomach. I feel horrible. Josh runs up to me and lifts me. He is talking to me, but I can't hear what he is saying. He puts me down in the couch giving me a bucket in case I puke again. He covers me in a towel and walks out to help clean up the mess I made. I am shaking and my lips turn blue. Josh notices and carries me upstairs. He puts me down in my bathroom and sits on the bed. I close the door.

Josh: scream if you need me

— I mumble something and take off my wet clothes. I turn on the shower and go under it. The water is warm and I stop shaking. I stay under the shower for 10 minutes and I grab a towel. I put the towel around me and leave the bathroom to get some clothes. Josh looks at me and leaves my room. I walk towards my closet and put on this warm outfit:

 I walk towards my closet and put on this warm outfit:

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— I open my door and let josh in. He hugs me

Josh: you aren't old enough to drink. You are 15!!

Jade: I know
I say, but I still don't feel well

Josh: want to go downstairs before you go to bed again?

Jade: why should I go to bed I just woke up?

Josh: no you silly it is the middle of the night

Jade: I wanna go downstairs....

— I try walking, but I am empty and I fall on the ground

Josh: you are going to bed, look at you
He helps me up

Josh: you can't go to school like this, tomorrow you'll stay home

— Josh picks me up and I feel my eyes close....


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