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So recently I've gotten into the anime/manga, " Inuyasha" so here's my ships.

Kagome X Inuyasha

Rin X Sesshomaru

Koga X Ayame

Sango X Miroku

Now my ships from one of my favorite youtubes Clare Siobhan.

Kenai X Ivy( Eco lifestyle rags to riches)

Clare X Ali( Dream House)

James X Salma( in the suburbs)

Willow X Yona( Rags to Riches)

Jessie X Roxy( In the City)

Emma X Max

Charlie Rose X Asher( Cats & Dogs)

Jake X Ryder

Jaime X Lilith

Other sim ships because I'm weird

Bella X Mortimer

Mrs Crumblebottom X Her Various dead husbands

Sue Pleasant X anyone better than her husband because her husband is a scumbag.

Any Sim woman who is wronged by their significant other X Anyone better than their significant other

Don X Trashcan

Danial Pleasant X Toilet

Bob Pancake X Microwave

Eliza Pancake X In front of car

Nancy Landgrabb X Herself

Those last 5 were because I hate all of them.

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