For My Grandpa

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Before I start this I want to say that my grandpa is in the hospital after having heart surgery. He's very old so it was super scary for all of us.

Anyway now to what I need to say.

Grandpa, I'm sorry I take you for granted, I'm sorry I don't appreciate your corny jokes. You are the most amazing man in my life. You fix things, you build things, you do the cooking since grandma can't with her arthritis, only you would take me out late at night for fast food when I ask. We go on small adventures to home dept or the grocery store. We play our little Volkswagen calling game. It's you and me, Thelma and Louis. I love you so much. You do everything for our family and you are the sweetest, funniest man. These next 4-8 days are gonna be stressful waiting for you to come home. Come home soon. I love you.

Love always,
Your girl

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