"Ah fuck." Jungkook looked around before realizing something. "Tae's gone too...."

"Don't you dare say-" Yoongi started, knowing the maknae well.

"Think they're having sex out here?"

"Jungkook I will personally murder you myself!"

"Sophie?? I didn't know you had it in you."

"The offer still stands Jungle Ass."

"The fuck did you just call me-"


"Do you like to write?" Becca asked as she swung her and Taehyung's arm lightly, Berlin in her other arm. The two were walking back to the house, everyone else completely forgotten by the two.

"Yes." Taehyung nodded, holding Spots' leash. "I find great relaxation in it."

Rebecca gasped and stopped walking, bouncing up and down, Berlin in shock. "Tae we could write a book together! Do you know how fun that would be?" Taehyung smiled and watched her beam, absolute happiness flowing from her. "Oh, oh only if you want to of course. Don't feel pressured to do because I really don't mind if you don't and plus you're super busy being an idol and wow you made a lot of time to spend time with me that's a lot of time I feel like I'm taking time away from your job and I really should just leave you alone and let you do idol stuff cause if I don't then ARMY will be mad that I'm taking away their Taehyung time oh but I love my Taehyung time-"

Taehyung cut her off with a kiss, smiling against her lips. "Becca Baby."


"I would love to write a book with you."


"THIS FOREST DOESN'T HAVE ANY GODDAMN SERVICE!" Jin roared, throwing his phone, Namjoon's jaw dropping at his action.

"IT'S A FUCKING FOREST WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?!?! FUCKING THREE BARS?!?!" Yoongi shouted back, throwing his phone at Jin, Jin catching said phone and chucking it into the woods. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?"

"MAYBE I AM!" Jin threw his hands up in the air, Jungkook watching this very exciting conversation. "I'VE BEEN AWAY FROM CIVILIZATION FOR TOO LONG!"

"It's been thirty minutes." Jimin raised his hand, looking at his watch, speaking calmly despite the yelling argument.

"Thank you Jimin." Jin spoke gently to the younger one, remembering the flower he got him earlier.

"Yes thank you." Yoongi, too, thanked, his voice soft. "YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF TIME YOU DUMB FUCK!"

And the yelling resumed.

Namjoon sighed beside a laughing Jungkook, Jimin smiling nervously, watching his hyungs 'fight'.

Hoseok and Sophie were giggling, running through the forest together, hand in hand, the birds flying high above them, no branches cutting into their arms. No, this was a scene from the movie.

They didn't need words, their laughter spoke for them. As long as they held hands and could hear each other's laughs, it was enough.

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