XIX.Common room

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My favorite part of phone notifications are you guys

Name one thing funnier than watching Ron, whom earlier had been too gobsmacked by Claire's looks, now being sassy and thoughtless. The funny part, you ask? - The flying bits of lunchmeat meat pelted his way, currently easily dodged, but the fear of salami was in his eyes.
Ginny had told Ron to 'keep his mouth shut', it was not worth it and in the end Claire would end up throwing the pumpkin juice pitcher at him, juice and all.
"Jeez, Claire - you oughta get your anger issues checked!" He managed to mumble between large mouthfuls of a drumstick.

 "Jeez, Claire - you oughta get your anger issues checked!" He managed to mumble between large mouthfuls of a drumstick

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"It's not her fault, baby brother -" Fred chimed in.
"Stop poking the bear with her exam results -" said George,
"and the bear with stop pelting perfectly good salami at you." Fred casually picked up a piece of salami and held it up as a scientific example. "It's plainly logical."
"Nuthin' logical about throwing food around!"

The 'total waste of time', as Percy had put it, would be later that day. The seniors only escapade had been thoroughly shut down by several of the red clan, including Lee Jordan and his smashing party games. That meant the party would me more PG friendly and less Firewhiskey galore. The part where both Claire and several other seniors had put their foot down, was with those below fifth year.
"I agree, I'll have to put my foot down at Ron and those other kids joining in on our good fun!" George put both of his feet up at the common room table, earning an exasperated sigh from Hermione. The said bushy haired, third year stood up and swiftly brushed her books down her duffel bag.
"Easy there, firecracker!" Fred grinned, picking up Hermione's quills and handing them to her before she stomped off.
"You guys are the epiphany of grace and manners." Percy chimed in, not looking up from his current book. The home knitted sweater he wore had the letter 'P' embroidered and with almost tousled hair - he seemed to be slightly relaxed - it was almost disconcerting.
"I'm not going to involve myself in what surely will be an interesting bickering soon - I'll need to go change." With that she quickly scurried away, feeling the mock indignation radiating from the twins, they would surely let their brother feel the heat for daring to be so relaxed and unPercylike.

Just a few short hours later, the Gryffindor common room was all merriment and music. Claire sat perched on her usual chair, with a glass soda in her hand.
"Claire, 'ey Claire - ye need to come dance and have fun!" Lee shouted at her from the other side of the room, Claire just gave a thumbs up and absolutely refused to go dance with the younger boys.

"Sure, just let me

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"Sure, just let me.. sit for a bit!"
"Claire, get your butt over here - now!" Fred bellowed, a grin plastered to his face. George seemed to be jumping where he stood, small skips with the air of someone that had eaten their weight in sugar. Claire puffed her cheeks and sent a menacing look across the room, all intent on getting them to stop pestering her.
"Alright then, maybe she doesn't want to see me." A figure shrugged, the voice making Claire jump out of the chair and drop her glass.

"That speed - why doesn't she ever move that quickly for us?" Fred scoffed, pushing his eldest brother jokingly in the shoulder

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"That speed - why doesn't she ever move that quickly for us?" Fred scoffed, pushing his eldest brother jokingly in the shoulder.
"Because he's the cuter one!" Angelina Johnson grinned at the twin, getting a shocked look and the attention she had been seeking. Both of the twin walked over to Johnson, wanting to have a word about this travesty.

Claire all but ran to Bill, jumping at him while he caught her mid-air.
"Why didn't you say you were coming?" She muttered into the collar of his hoodie.
"Then it wouldn't have been a surprise, would it now?" He hugged her tightly and let go as she unwinded her legs and slid down so her feet hit the floor. He watched his short girlfriend beam up at him, not once had he taken in his old common room. Her hair was straight and loose, framing her apple cheeks and sparkling eyes.
"Then you owe me a dance, William." She took a hold of the zipper of his hoodie, dragging him into the crowd, all the while with a happy smile on her face.

I neeeeeded the party scene to be over, for some reason I couldn't really write it. Meh - but now we're through with it! Remember - If you want any scenes, more of certain characters or ANYTHING - Just comment☀️

A Weasley Mess *ON HOLD - REWRITE*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora