II.Fight them with love

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Hey, I just wanted to put it out there - so that there will not be any misunderstandings - that I plan to make some time leaps. I will not be basing the entire story in Hogwarts, seeing as I have a bigger plan going on. This will be a VERY Weasley story - but I want to include the entire clan! I mean, come on - we need Molly!

Breakfast with the twins, Percy, Hermione, Ron and Harry - plus Máni and Crookshanks, of course - had been pleasant.

Honestly, Percy was the only one that was her age. But who cares? The twins made her laugh, Percy... Well, Percy tried. He was pretty awkward and prudish, but there was just something very sweet about him. Claire couldn't help it; she liked a lost cause.

Percy walked with her to Charms, conveniently since they shared the class. Her little monster had padded off, probably to inspect the castle grounds, no doubt.

"I wonder if the class will differ from the ones you've had at Beauxbatons." Percy mused, probably trying to seem like less of a silent creep.

"Maybe? I have already seen quite the difference, so it's probable."

"How so?"

"In Beauxbatons, everyone is more... Polite." She smiled wryly while Percy cracked up a bit.

"That sounds wonderful!"

"I thought you'd think so. How you Anglais act around your professors - it's just so weird not to show them the proper etiquette!" And so they kept talking until they got to the classroom and class started. Percy had, of course, vehemently agreed about the respect thing. It was nice to pull him out of his quiet shell - and honestly, he was rather funny when he went off on a rant.

The school day ran by pretty quickly, especially as she only had three or four subjects a day

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The school day ran by pretty quickly, especially as she only had three or four subjects a day. That was the perk of being at the N.E.W.Ts level. This year she had cut back a lot on her subjects, but she still would be graduating in the core classes Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions and Transfiguration. And then, on top of that, the electives Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes, and, just to put some icing on the cake - Ancient studies. That was nine classes, definitely more than a lot of the other students did, but not as much as she had done last year. It would be hell, but at least she had the opportunity to work in many different areas.

"So, what are you doing after you're done here?" Percy said, yet she was starting to call him Perce - the glorious effect of the twins taking action already.

"Honestly, I have so many ideas - it's killing me! I want to be a Hit Wizard, a Potionmaker, a Shopkeeper. You name it." She smiled almost bashfully, staring down at the half-finished parchment she was working on for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Percy laughed, scribbling a little on his own notes.

"Well, at least you will have the grades to go for anything. I will start working at The Ministry of Magic - I've already had a summer job there, so that's pretty much in the bag." He was so sure of himself, and it was amusing.

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