VII.Merry Christmas

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Hi, guys! Thanks so much for the love and attention. I appreciate it! I'll post another Pinterest pic of the Christmas outfit Claire will wear. I dunno, I just feel like it's cool to actually see what I mean. Btw, I'll add a YouTube video of the song Claire will sing at some point here. *winkwink*

They had all gone to bed at a reasonable hour that night, all excited for the upcoming day

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They had all gone to bed at a reasonable hour that night, all excited for the upcoming day.

"It's so weird that you don't open presents on the 24th!" Claire exclaimed as she and Ginny sat in bed, early in the morning.

"What, your family does?" Ginny said with some incredulity.

"Yeah, we celebrate it the Norwegian way." She shrugged, absentmindedly scratching Máni behind his ear.

"Wicked! Like dinner, presents and the whole shebang?"

"Yeah, we eat in the evening and open the presents after that." It was weird to mix up with the traditions, but she welcomed the change. It would probably be fun to try out something new anyways.

"Well, today we're just hanging out all of us, and then mum will cook up a big meal." And that sounded dashing to her.

"You know, this is gonna sound utterly pathetic..." She started, a little amazed that she could hold such a grown up conversation with this young girl. But Ginny was something different than other people in her age group. Claire was impressed.

"Come on, I won't laugh." The younger girl grinned, seeming really happy that she had a female companion to chat the mornings away with. Usually Ginny was stuck with only her brothers when she was home. Of course there was Hermione - but she tended to only hang with Ron and Harry. She really liked Hermione, there was no doubt about it - but Claire made more of an effort to spend time with her. It was nice, almost like having a big sister.

"This is the first Christmas I'll spend outside school for... Five years." She blushed a little, embarrassed that she made a big deal of it. Ginny on the other hand seemed flabbergasted.

"But what about your family?" She said, quite loudly she might add.

"My parents don't like children. Or family time." She just shook her head and watched her Kneazle with faked interest. Ginny on her side of the room was fuming with outrage.

"If you dislike children, then why in Merlin's name would you get CHILDREN!" She positively shrieked, Claire was taken aback by the flare of emotion, but couldn't help but to laugh. Ginny just scowled and pulled on pants. Claire followed suit, putting on yesterday's black pants and a white sweater. "Breakfast!" Ginny ordered.

Both of them exited the room and headed downstairs, where to lovely smell of breakfast wafted up. They picked up their pace and was quickly down in the less than deserted kitchen. Bill sat at the table with Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley stood with her back to them by the stove.

A Weasley Mess *ON HOLD - REWRITE*Where stories live. Discover now