XVII.Fairylight and flames

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A/N: Ta-daa ! I'm at college - that took a while, Christine - and the world is in quarantine. I don't know about you, but I need some carefree and slightly fluffy fanfic?

And any requests? I'm juggling an exam paper in my norwegian subject and some math work - but any input is appreciated.

And any requests? I'm juggling an exam paper in my norwegian subject and some math work - but any input is appreciated

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The three troublemakers were caught in a movement taken straight from a cartoon it seemed. Fred had turned around with a loopy grin, George was going in for the fist bump and Claire had just enough time to form a nervous twitch in her eyebrow.

"You know, there is a perfectly reasonable reason for us being in your office." Fred coughed a little, sneaking a sideways glance to his brother and friend, begging for someone to drag the bunny out of the hat.

"Yes, you're a bunch of filthy little thieves." The disheveled and somewhat dusty caretaker smiled ominously, rubbing his calloused hands together like a pint sized, medieval villain.

Believing that they ever could talk Filch out of this positive treat was foolish, he had been holding a grudge towards the twins ever since they turned up at the school and made his life ever so much more tedious. Who did people ever think those start-of-the-year requests were aimed at? Of course it was those red headed devils, the bringers of fanged frisbees, fireworks and long nights trying to catch nifflers.
Being caught by Filch was one thing, being brought to McGonagall was an absolute nightmare. Just imagine the pure disappointment on the elderly woman's face, staring down three overgrown children who gave also her way too much grievance. What absolutely disgusted her was that Claire had let herself be dragged down to their level - the outrage!

It was all for show and discipline, as the cowering form of her three Gryffindor children retreated meekly from her office, she couldn't help but to chuckle. They should've seen the look on their own faces.

"One more toe out of line and I'll owl Molly." She didn't need to raise her voice, she knew perfectly that they had heard her.

" She didn't need to raise her voice, she knew perfectly that they had heard her

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The horror, what if she had disappointed Mrs Weasley?

You know what's almost as bad as disappointing Mrs Weasley, or at least the thought of it? The face of Percy when the three of them came back to the common room, late for Potions self-studies and it was getting eerily close to Ancient Studies time.

"Claire - what on earth were you thinking? Not only are you endangering your pristine reputation, but you're also jeopardizing your future!" He seemed to be halfway drowned in a tower of brown books, an eagle feather pen and ink well placed neatly to his right side. The Headboy pinned neatly to his otherwise weirdly disheveled robe made him seem more and more like Hermione by the day - only upped by disheveled red hair and bloodshot eyes.

"Oh gee, Perce - what if she ever dared to have a life?" Fred grinned, having just about almost shed the nervous feeling off of him. McGonagall was just about the only teacher that could make the twins worry, that more out of respect than anything.

"I'm sorry, Perce." She walked over to him and took a book, "It's been a rough few days." shrugging, she opened the ancient book and sat down at a vacant chair. The air had gone out of her again, making Percy pause for a slight moment.

He hated thinking that Claire and his younger brothers, the twins, were closer than him and her. Yet he felt like it was good for her with their careless nature - even though he seemed to put out the idea that he hated it. Claire Dubois needed careless, happy and free spirits in her life. The news of her disowning her family had struck him, even though he was the type of person that almost understood the idea.
Yet it was like the tide - it had been expected. Maybe he should do something nice for her?

"What if we.. put down the books and go for some ice cream?" The shocked silence was almost offensive.

The Three Broomsticks was not known for its ice cream, but they did have some whacking good one! Deep down into her third serving of vanilla, chocolate and butterbeer flavored ice cream, Claire seemed almost sedated.

"Thanks, I needed some sugar." Looking up at her friend, she grinned and felt an appreciation for her awfully bookish friend. Who knew he had it in him?

"Yeah - it's so good... getting away from the.. books." The robotic tone of his voice and strained smile made her laugh out loud.

"That's the worst impression of a normal person, Perce!" She knew he was aching to go back to his studies, but the effort he put in was priceless. "But it's appreciated, really. I just don't know what to do with myself lately - everything is changing."

"We'll be done at Hogwarts in just a few short months though, what are you thinking of doing once we leave?" He leaned back in his chair, taking his salty caramel along with him. "Mum really want's you to come back with us, but knowing you - you're probably ready to spread your wings and be independent."

Claire leaned back too, contemplating the question. It was true, she wanted to be more independent. Finally she didn't have to ask her family for permission and that made her imagination run wild.

"I'm probably taking your mum up on her offer, at least at first. Still, I'm aiming for a job and a flat - I can't wait to start a new life, all on my own!"

"All on your own, not my brother, 'eh?" Percy chuckled silently, just teasing.

"Of course I'm involving Bill, but a girl needs to live a little alone first - and hey, he might be working way abroad!"

What could you envision Claire working with?

A Weasley Mess *ON HOLD - REWRITE*Where stories live. Discover now