VIII.It's magic

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Thanks for the feedback! I get so happy. Hahah, so I just keep on writing - because I don't have a life. <3 except for university studies and the gym... Forget you ever heard that, it makes me feel old. Hahah

Christmas morning was perfect. She woke up early with Ginny, they threw on sweaters and kept their pajama bottoms so that they could run right downstairs and into the living room.

The living room was as Christmassy, if not even more. It might be the piles of presents under the floor, or the fact that Christmas supper already wafted through the entirely house.

The eldest boys were already up with their parents, and they met them in the living room.

"Merry christmas!" Both of the girls said at the same time, making them giggle like they both were young teenagers. They threw themselves down at the floor, Claire couldn't help but to catch the eye of Bill. They both smiled at each other a little secretly.

It wasn't like anything was really going on between them, she meant... They had only know each other for three days! But it felt so strange to be around him. She could not get it out of her head what had happened when they shook hands. There had been a spark, not just as in chemistry - but a pure spark of magic.

That wasn't normal, was it? Even as she sat here, naught but a few meters away from Bill, she could feel that her magic was... Odd. It was as if it worked on overdrive inside her, bounding in blue flames and sparks.

"Can we open our presents now?" Ginny said, obviously tired of waiting.

"We have to wait for the other boys." Mrs. Weasley chided, good natured as always.

Ginny wasted no time and ran upstairs immediately, screaming bloody murder to get her brothers up.

As soon as Percy, Fred and George got downstairs, Ginny got to sorting out the presents. Claire was pleasantly surprised when she saw that she had a decent amount of presents, even several from the Weasley's! They all opened their presents in peace and quiet while drinking coffee and eating all sorts of unhealthy food.

From her parents Claire got a new diamond bracelet and some pretty robes. It was nice, but a little too extravagant. From Mr. And Mrs. Weasley she got a bunch of candy and a hand knitted sweater, pale blue with a golden C. She absolutely beamed at Molly. From Ginny she got a book on Quiddich, an obvious hint. Fred and George got her a picture of the three of them in Hogsmead, all linked at the shoulders grinning. Percy gave her a beautiful planner, and the golden trio had showered her in sweets. Bill and Charlie had bought her a Kneazle calendar and actually a book about Aurors, how they had gotten that in time Claire had no idea. Other than that she got some foreign candy, jewelry and elaborate clothing from her aunts, uncles and cousins. Even one of her more cheeky Norwegian cousins had bought a pale blue, gold embroided lingerie set, which Claire had blushed like insane about and hid before anyone could see.

She had gotten Mr. And Mrs. Weasley a book on foreign cooking and a book on muggle artifacts. She had splurged on Ginny, buying a large Quiddich book and a figurine of a broom that apparently was really popular. Claire had no idea, she just ordered what her roommates had pointed out. Fred and George had gotten a large box from Zonko's. Percy got a large book on the Ministry of Magic's history. She had bought Charlie a batch of burn wound ointment wrapped in a bow, which he had laughed heartily at. Bill got knee protectors as a joke, and then a large book on foreign places and their magical lore.

And of course Máni had gotten ridiculous amounts of Kneazle treats, toys and a huge bed from Charlie. It was ridiculous, the Kneazle lay there in the middle of their group like the king he fancied himself to be.

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