" it's nice to see you too uncle juno " i told him, the pout on my lips slowly turning into a grin. i pulled away from mom and was about to go and hug uncle juno, but something caught my attention.

i stopped walking and met eye to eye with the guy sitting beside uncle juno. he sat there casually, pretty unbothered by the fact that he's actually in my house.

" eh!? " i shrieked with my eyes wide while i point at him.

" hi " he greeted casually, again, though there's a hint of pink on his cheeks. probably because of embarrassment from the attention that's directed to him right now.

" kim seungmin? what are you doing here? "


" tada! "

i stood there awkwardly with my lips pressed together in a thin line. seungmin and i stand in front of the arcade where hyunjin and i came to before. i tried to smile as i glance at him while he has a straight face on.

earlier, i found out he's uncle juno's nephew. he tagged along with uncle juno earlier since, according to him, he's done with his sister. i wonder, what must the "nice and adorable" ms. seomin have done to piss off her dear baby brother? maybe she bought him tons of puppy stuff to mock his "puppy-ness"? probably.

" can you remind me again why am i here? " he asked after he let out a louder than usual sigh.

" oh come on puppy seung! of course it's because you're my new bestie and we're gonna have fun! " i said, trying to lighten up the mood.

i was actually planning to go here on my own but seems like seungmin and i are fated to meet today, i literally found him in my own house. seungmin gave me an unsatisfied look after what i said making me purse my lips and think of a better thing to say.

" this is actually where hyunjin took me for our first date and i just want to relive the memories " i explained with my lips still pursed. i focussed my eyes in front of me and tried to avoid his stares as much as possible.

" so why am i here? " seungmin asked again.

just by hearing his tone, my knees starts to shake a little. ugh, he's so mean. why did i even force him to go with me? i should've forced jisu to leave her date and come with me instead.

i cautiously turn to look at him, and was greeted by his bored, but sharp, eyes. " if you want to relive your memories then you should have gone with hyunjin " he added as he dig his hands in his pockets.

i huffed and slightly furrowed my eyebrows. " but he's with chaeyeon " i replied.

i looked down and focussed my eyes on my feet. i started fiddling with my fingers to add more spice to my "i'm sad so please be nice to me" act. i know seungmin is still my friend so i hope this works on him.

he let out a long sigh and then there was silence again. ugh, a little more, let's wait more. i tried to peek by slowly raising my head. seungmin clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest.

" you better keep your promise and buy me pudding after this, you miserable creature " seungmin muttered, and gladly i was able to hear it. he started walking towards the arcade while i was left here standing alone with a huge grin on my face.

" wait for me puppy seung! " i called for him and started skipping towards him.

" don't call me that! " he turned to look at me and hissed silently. i slowed my pace when i'm finally standing beside him. i frown and pushed my hair off of my shoulder.

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