I look him and move closer so he gets to rest his head on my shoulder.

"I really don't want her coming back, you know." He says, exhaling heavily. I take her to be his mum. "And Rosalie is actually a really good person but I can't imagine her as my mum. I can't imagine anybody else as my mum."

I don't say anything to that. I don't have or know anything to say about it all. So I keep my mouth shut, holding his hand in mine as we relax in a somewhat comfortable silence. Sky sighs again before lifting his head off my shoulder and turning so he's looking at me. His eyes scan my face, darting between my eyes before his lips start twitching into a smile.

"What?" I ask, smiling too without knowing why.

He quickly kisses me, letting our lips linger on each other before pulling away. "We had an arrangement coming here."

I blush, oh. "Are you still cold?"

He smiles and I feel like I'm going to melt. "I could be warmer, you?"

I nod shyly. "Same."

He pulls back a bit, looking me over like his scrutinizing me again and trying to figure out if I'm serious. I don't let him finish before I clumsily cup his face, bringing his lips to mine once more. Sky laughs into the kiss but before I can pull away in embarrassment, his hand wounds around my neck, holding me in place as he kisses me back. I lose myself, our lips moving together like a well rehearsed song, his tongue seeking out mine and causing a moan to escape out of me.

Sky pulls away, his grey eyes lighter as he gets up from the sofa, taking my hand and pulling me with him. My knees feel a little like jelly as we lock up the front door and run up the stairs wearing identical smiles.

When we reach Sky's room, the glow of the light is blue like the other day but I don't have any time to admire the light as our lips find each other again, my fingers tangling in his hair as his hands run over my warm ticklish skin. Sky breaks away from my lips, breaking for air and his lips connect with my cheek, then my jaw and down my neck causing me to giggle.

He pulls away with a smirk slash smile, roaming his eyes around my face. "Cute."

"Shut up," I whisper out, unable to stop smiling and feeling really hot.

In one fliud motion, he takes off his sweater, revealing a button shirt inside. His eyes remain on me as he slowly begins to unbutton it and I take that as a cue to get rid of shirts too. My hands shake slightly as I unbutton my flannel and I succeed in getting it out at the same time that Sky rids himself of his shirt too, standing before me in just his trousers, completely bare up. I almost choke on air and curse at the weather for requiring so much clothes. I still have a flimsy shirt on but I can't look away from Sky's perfect skin long enough to take it off.

He closes the little space between us again, his palm resting on my cheek and causing me to close my eyes, relaxing into the touch. His head relaxes on mine and I can hear and feel his shaky breathe. "I-I've wanted you for the longest time."

Hearing him speak makes me shiver and I open my eyes just to kiss him again. He smiles over my lips and his legs start moving, causing mine to move too and next thing I know, I'm falling over the bed, Sky following me all the way. We continue to kiss and when we break for air, he returns to my neck making me squirm and make some unhuman sounds underneath him.

His fingers find their way under my shirt and my breath hitches in my throat when his hand grazes over my crotch, affecting me even over my trousers. My lips part as my head presses back into the bed, my body arching up to meet his.


My phone's ringtone blares out continuously and despite wanting to ignore it so much, I can't. At first I thought it was ringing in my dream but the sound continues waking me up and pulling me back to reality. I groan, my voice raw and rough as I reach for the phone on the ground, the lightening from it almost burning my lenses. I turn my neck a bit to see Sky sleeping soundly beside me, his arm over my torso, our legs tangled up together. I smile but even that ends up being interrupted as the ringing continues, Jamal's name flashing in front.

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