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Chapter 3

I know for a fact that I am not popular in school. I am that kind of student who actually succeeds in blending in like a shadow and is going to finish highschool without any problems at all. I literally only ever talk to three people in the walls of this school and if I talk to anybody else, it's because I absolutely have no choice but to.

I remember back in sophomore year when I got paired with Freda in Chemistry lab. I knew Freda because she was the only black girl in the cheerleading squad and Jamal once found her beautiful. Freda however, didn't know me and the first five minutes of our praticals were spent asking if I was a new student. Then a guy behind us scolded Freda for not knowing meek Israel. That's when I discovered that the handful of people that might know me thought of me as meek. And of course, a church boy. I don't know if that's because they've seen me do the sign of the cross or walk out of the church on Sundays or if it's because I sometimes hang out with Darcy.

Freda argued with him though, saying I was being humble and unpretentious instead (that was more of a dig at the guy than it was a compliment to me), she smiled at me and for a while during chemistry we paired together and sometimes when we see at the hallway, she waves.

My point is not many people know me and I didn't think Cat eye boy was among the handful that did, I didn't even know he was in town. I haven't ever seen him again since the five minutes in church four years ago. I figured he went back to wherever he came from and I never hoped to see him again and now here he was calling my name like he knew me.

He shakes his head as if finding humor in something only him was aware about. "I didn't know you drive."

"Huh?" I find my voice to ask, wondering if by some chance I've entered into another universe.

"Sorry," he hands me back my phone, studying my expression with his cat eyes. "I panicked."

I nod, stuffing the phone down my pocket. I am starting to sweat under his scrutiny and the last thing I want is a sweaty armpit, so I walk. I walk away from his eyes until I am behind him, then I squat down to see the damage done.

Who is he?

One of my rear headlights is wickedly cracked and the side of his truck that collided with it was bashed in, looking like someone hit it with a hammer. I gasp at the damage and the panic returns to me in full waves. Ma would kill me, I'd never drive again. I don't think I mind the latter.

"What are we going to do?" I ask tracing the cracks on glass with a shaking finger.

I hear him squat down to and feel him beside me. The strong scent of his cologne hits me, strong and welcoming but not overwhelming. I don't think I have such a strong scent, if I even have a scent at all, it'll probably be shampoo. He leans towards me and touches my glass too, moving around until our fingers touched and I could've sworn his skin burnt mine.

I flinch away and scramble up to my feet, I could feel him looking at me from down there and I struggled not to look at him, rubbing my palm over my pants. "It's a minor car accident but we should still call the police." I say, holding myself and trying to be rational, applying the laws I was thought in driving school.

"Please don't, my parents would kill me. This," he gestures to the truck with a pained expression. "Isn't the first time."

"My parents would kill me too but what do we do? I can't go home like this, insurance won't hold." I complain twisting my fingers together.

"I know a guy," He says sounding like some mafia movie person. When he says nothing else after that, I raise my brow at him. He sighs and continue, "he's a mechanic, owns a shop— he'll help us."

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