Part 3: Albus's Weapon

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Thank you, followers!!
Also sorry for keeping you waiting. When I get an idea for other stories it consumes me and this one is one of my favorites so I wanted to give it Justice.

Severus awakes to see no chains on him. Nor Voldemort or Harry. They all with in a three sized King's bed. Harry was snuggling with his teddy still however. Voldemort was unconsciously cradling the child softly.

He gets up gently and cracks his bones back into place. He starts exploring again. Seeing the many rooms and finding the Founders again.

"Hello Rowena Ravenclaw, my second mother and ancestor", Severus says softly with his mind clicking away.

"Hello Severus, my son. There is much to discuss. As you know I was the Head Headmistress of this school.", Rowena says softly as her wish to given to Severus. She speaks of all of Albus's chains on Hogwarts and how it became his base of operations.

Her wish for her heir to take back Hogwarts. Hogwarts agreeing gently. He sighs softly before nodding for this was home to him and he has seen Dumbledore time and time Manipulate students. Control their lives in and out Hogwarts. He discovered only a few of the manipulations placed on Harry.

He enters the kitchens to see food gently placed on the breakfast table by two house elves. He senses the magic of the once Malfoy and Crouch elves at work.

He understands why the once Malfoy elf would do this but why the once Crouch? Hogwarts is preparing the change of Headmasters to be at the exact minute they are able to leave this ever changing place.

Severus wonders if he could summon a certain elf to help heal Harry's injuries? Well at this point since he only sees basic medical treatment which would do practically nothing for Harry. It's worth the attempt.

"Winky!!", Severus calls out hoping Hogwarts will allow this as Harry could not stay in that condition much longer.

Hogwarts allows it but wakes Tom up instantly. Tom instantly heads off to the sound of a crackle pop of a house elf.

He then sees Severus and Winky the house elf in the kitchens. "Severus!", He calls out as Severus turns to him with a bow. "My lord", Severus says softly as Winky looks back at the pair in understanding.

"Severus, you called the house elf to treat Harry correct?", Tom asks softly as Severus nods gently. Winky's eyes widen in terror.

"Master Harry? What happened?!!!", Winky blood curling screams which alerts the pair.

"Winky is Harry James Potter your master? Or is it Hogwarts?", Tom asks deadly sharp as Winky was quick to answer truthfully.

"Hogwarts was my master. But I was broken as my time serving her. I lose my first family. I brought dishonor to my family!! Master Harry saved me. He learned what would happen to me. My incoming death! He saved me!! So yes he is my Master!! So what happened to my Little Master Harry!!!", Winky screams with tears pouring down her checks.

The pair knew that once a house elf is freed, they must find a new source of magic(masters/mistresses) to bond to otherwise they would die. House elves came from disgraced elves sold to wizarding experimentation. It was these experiments on wizards that made them into house elves seen today.

These expierments also made house elves reliant on a form of magic outside their own for their health and sanity. Or Wizarding Family Magic or the magic of another magical being. Seeing this as an opportunity, the elves were brought to Wizgamot and were given to Ancient Wizarding Families. Soon enough houses elves became entering the general public and soon became a day to day servitude.

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