Part 1: Awakening

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Severus Snape had a normal day in Hogwarts during the summer. He couldn't anything wrong that day. Well counting the one fact would be that he went to sleep all too quickly.

Soon he sits in room chained seeing his Lord, the Dark Lord, and Potter brat. His Lord wakes next, "Severus what is the meaning of this?!!!". Severus raised his own chains, "I don't know my lord.". Harry soon slowly awakes. He flinched staring at the two men he was trapped with. Terrified, he moves himself to the corner and curls himself into a ball shaking for a few seconds.

That was very un-Gryffindor.

Soon he untangles himself and starts exploring the room. Crawling like a monkey. "Potter, how are you doing that?", Voldemort asks. "When I couldn't walk, I just to crawl to get the chores done.", Potter answers back. Chores? What chores? "What Chores, Mr.Potter?", Severus asks instantly. "The ones the Dursleys give me, sir.", Harry says much weakly trying to hide it. But since there was silence the two people Harry wanted least to know what happened to him while he wasn't in school heard. Luckily they didn't ask anymore questions.

Harry traces his hands on the walls like if he was searching for a craving. His eyes then widen. He starts dusting off the wall with a piece of his robes. Once he finished, he crawls back revealing the saying on the tapestry on the wall.

Sons of Hogwarts, you have been tricked and betrayed long enough,

The time of fighting has past us and it's time for the truth,

You trio have been tricked and conned enough

by the twinkling eyes,

Together, you trio shall be here with your wands locked away from your hands,

Together, you shall speak only the truth of your lives and what you have been since birth before you came to be here,

Speak where your true loyalties lies,

Speak where you have been hurt,

Speak what you hide deep within,

Speak what you wish for more than anything,

Learn where you truly came from,

Learn the truths hidden from you,

Be chained no more,

Learn forgiveness,

Then when you are allow to leave become whole once more,

Then when you are allowed to leave, truly change the World for the better

Harry reads softly allowed in flower language. Snape could feel the tears that threaten to slip as he translates the message to his Lord. Soon the room changes to hold a starlight sky with night crystal like flowers. Harry smiles softly and laying on the flowers and the chains still on him. He lays back allowing himself to sleep a little bit. Trusting his greatest enemy to not try and strangle him in his sleep.

Voldemort notices the sleeping Boy-Who-Lived. He decides to leave the boy alone. He tell the flower magic he can use. That could useful getting out.

Snape examines the tapestry. He checks using the flower language that Potter unknowingly or knowingly spoke in for the truth. Then he pulls down the tapestry to reveal four portraits arguing.


"Also you have revealed yourselfs to the adults trapped in these halls.", Severus states quickly shocking the four away.

"Grand play, Severus Snape, heir of Rowena and son of Rowena.", Salazar says softly.

Voldemort was silent calculating. "Salazar Slytherin, my ancestor, May I please ask where precisely are we and how Severus and Potter have been tricked by Albus Dumbledore?", he asks his ancestor politely knowing how better his ancestor was. He already knew how Dumbledore practically and literally forced him into becoming a Dark Lord and make seven horcruxes. Now he is fighting another war so Albus does not control the entire world to his will and he wants to kill the bastard.

"You are within the center of Hogwarts under its tightest wards. We never truly died as we been apart of Hogwarts with our first daughter the sentient Hogwarts. Or Hogwarts the she-being living within the castle. She hand picked you to be our heirs and sons magically and blood. Hogwarts just accepted you, Tom and Harry as the heirs of me and Salazar but she went further and made you our sons. She also made Harry, Helga's son and heir. Also Severus was made the heir and son of Ravenclaw. As for the man named Albus, only Severus and Harry himself May tell you.", Godric says swiftly with a dark face that the mere mention of Albus.

Voldemort looks at Severus and sighs, "I shall explain what Albus has done to me personally, Severus for you to understand why I want to kill him and then you shall explain your end.".

Severus darkens and nods. Rowena's face darkens remembering what her son went through.

Harry softly awoke to hear the whole story as Hogwarts forced awake.

Harry whimpers in fear after Voldemort finished. Which in turn created a bathroom, kitchen, and a bedroom. As Severus was about to start the beard the whimper. They turn staring at him. With Severus gets a little closer to see Harry shaking in a full on panic attack he was grabbing on to his feet shaking.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry f-f-for-r w-wh-at M-mas-ter D-dumbledore d-did t-to y-you.", Harry speaks out stuttering and panting to reveal his scarred and severely burned feet. Two words craved into the bottom of his feet that sends off a strong burning and stinging curse.

My (right foot), Weapon(left foot)

Harry shakes and closes his eyes trying to sleep off the fear. Which Hogwarts allows and gently sings him to sleep through mind. Soon a blanket was on top of him. A pillow placed under his head with a teddy bear heavily charmed with calming spells placed in his arms.

Severus and Voldemort look at his feet in pure horror knowing deep within their ice cold hearts. This was only an Awakening or the beginning.

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