Part 6: House of Black's wrath

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"Father, what are we going to do about Lord Potter? He completely fooled me last year. I thought he was a full on Dumbledore supporter. The only time I thought I otherwise", Draco starts as Lucius staring down deep into his son's eyes.

"When Draco?! This is very important when?!", Lucius snarls almost though with good reason. An alliance or being in the young Lord's good graces was essential for the House of Malfoy to survive.

"On Valentine's Day, where all of breakfast was potioned with Love Potions. I checked his food. It was keyed to once Apparent Heir Ronald Weasley. I dug farther to realize that Albus signed two illegal marriage contracts by Potter's own blood promise first to the once Heiress Ginerva Weasley who has a soul-bond to Crowned Heiress Lovegood and then to once Apparent Heir Ronald Weasley who's now sitting in Azkaban. Thus with the realization, I knew that Potter was aware of the first contract thus blood promise and also his distaste in the female anatomy. And once the announcement of the two dead first years. One a mudblood and the other a half. Literally anything would set him off for weeks especially Albus calling it a tragic accident.", Draco explains as Lucius listens silently planning and calculating. A wicked grin spreading across his face.

"So Potter is not interested in the female anatomy and is not an Albus follower. He has set Rita on a feast on destroying all of Albus's trust, prestige, reputation and political power. Though not a Dark Lord follower due many interactions and is the destined one to destroy him. Draco, do you know what this means?", Lucius says calmly as Draco stares in confusion and fear.

"Lucius, what are you thinking!! Potter is Draco's second cousin. Euphemia was my aunt. She was a Black before she was a Potter and she is Potter's grandmother!!", Narcissa points out interrupting the conversation and revealing Lucius's intentions to Draco.

"Father, I DON'T EVEN LIKE POTTER THAT WAY!!", Draco yells disgusted and angered. Sure, Potter is the most the political and richest wizard in the Magical World but Draco doesn't like him that way and nor does he want to marry one of his cousins!!

If Draco was being honest, he likes Crowned Heir Theodore Nott way more than he likes Potter or Crowned Heiress Daphne Greengrass. He likes Apparent Heiress Parkinson more than he likes Potter!!!

Draco however is disturbed from his thoughts as a hand slaps him in the face. Draco however knowing this hand as his father's.

Draco stares up to see Mother no longer in the room. Probably in her quarters by order of Father. As the Lord of the Ancient Noble House of Malfoy, the family magic is at his disposal to command and will the house. Though as Lord, Father must upkeep the family name and honor. The same goes for Mother as she is the Lady of the House of Malfoy.

"No, Draco. I wasn't thinking of you becoming the Duke of the Ancient Royal Houses of Potter, Black, Moody, Peverell, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Emrys.  You must marry an Ancient Royal House however so the House of Malfoy becomes an Ancient Royal House but no. He's your cousin as your Mother reminded me. That would look bad on the Malfoy image. What I am saying is end your silly rivalry with Potter and become friends with him. And stray him to the Dark Lord's cause.", Lucius hums as Draco nods silently grateful for. Oh how Draco would regret his smile months later.


"Mother, the House of Potter seem to be swaying gray.", Blaise mentions softly over dinner. This being on the same day after his and Daphne's meeting with Heiress Ginny Potter.

"Blaise, the entire House. Are you sure?", Lady Zabini says swiftly who was on her ninth engagement with an Ancient Royal House from Greece. The house was falling under the Zabini name and their wealth was quite large.

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