Ch. 13 Decisions.

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As soon as the two touched lips, Ram pushes Y/N away.

Ram: ...

As Ram pushed him away, Y/N starts to laugh.

Ram: You... Lit-

All of an sudden, an arm comes out of Y/N's stomach.

It then pushes it self out of Y/N, to reveal... Wolf?

Wolf was laughing as Ram looked confused and Y/N blushing like an tomato.

Wolf: Oh my gosh, you! Him! Hahahaha-

Ram soon walked up to Wolf, and picks him up by his collar.

Ram: If it was up to me, I'd kill you on the spot, fuzzball!

She then let's go of his collar, and watch the boy fall to the ground.

Ram: But, since your an guest to Roswaal's Mansion, I'll let you live... For now....

Y/N backs up from Ram, as Ram turns around.

Ram: just, Follow me you dog and boy.

Y/N and Wolf get up, but ones more Quiet then the other, They follow Ram.


It was basically the same, but-

Wolf looks down, while Roswaal was trying to say something to him.

Wolf looks up, with an Smile

Wolf: I wish to be an Butler of this mansion, Mr Roswaal!

Everybody looks at him, weirdly, but he just chuckles.


Everything seemed to play out the same pass that, as Mai returned, they went to Y/N and Subaru's Room.


The Room was silent.. Until.

Mai: Okay, I'm sick of this vibe! Why isn't anyone talking!

Wolf looks up.

Wolf: We-

The Room bursted open, as the grouped looked at Ram, Wolf sighs and moves towards Y/N.

Wolf: Hey Y/N, could you used that love stuff on Ram!

Y/N:Yeah, I could....

Y/N then smirks (Like Ram) and quickly closes his hands and opens them like an book....

But he didn't move towards Ram..

He uses it on Wolf and turns his head to Ram.


Wolf stares at Ram, with his mouth wide open, as Ram glares at him.

Ram: If you think staring at me will give you sympathy points then your wrong.

Wolf looks away... Blushing as Subaru and Mai look Shock.

Mai gets closer to Y/N and whispers.

Mai: Big brother! What did you do!

Subaru also gets closer and whispers.

Subaru: Yeah Bro, what did you do!

Y/N smilies

Ram just walks over to the desk like nothing happened.

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