Chapter 3: McDonald's

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At this time, Pierce's assistant had sent his finished document, "Mr. Steel, everything has been dealt with today. On your itinerary, You will have dinner with Miss Steam at 7 pm tonight!"

Pierce had forgotten about Belle Steam's dinner tonight. He looked at Shawn sitting in his arms. Shawn also looked at Pierce with a smile on his face, "Daddy, are you going to abandon me today?"

Pierce was stunned. He originally wanted to send Shawn back home with the nanny. However, after seeing Shawn's expression he wanted to change his plans.

"Mommy said that I should take this time to get to know daddy more since I'm mostly with mommy," Shawn said while lowering his head and playing with his fingers, which prevented Pierce from seeing his expression. Pierce all of a sudden felt bad but also warm because he hasn't felt this needed in a long time. He also knew that he has only seen Shawn a few times. Maybe it was because in his subconscious he rejected this marriage so alongside he rejected the presence of Shawn.

He remembered when he visited Shawn when he was a month old. He remembered how nervous he felt when holding him. Maybe it was because it was his first time holding a baby, Shawn felt uncomfortable in his arms so he started crying right away. His father quickly took Shawn from his arm and scolded him.

"Look at you, your son doesn't even know you. You don't spend any time with him. If you keep this up don't blame him for not knowing who you are."

After a long time, Pierce was afraid to hold Shawn, and the relationship between the father and son grew cold like his marriage. However, it seemed to not bother any of them because life still went on.

This was the first time Pierce held Shawn in his arms for so long. On the inside, Pierce was excited yet nervous because he knew there was a chance for them to rebound.

"Mr. Steel do you want me to push it or...."

Belle was just another fling so there is no need to take this dinner seriously.

"Push it! Shawn, let's go home!"

After saying that Pierce walked out of his office, he went straight to his exclusive elevator which directly led to the underground parking lot. Pierce put Shawn into his car seat on the front seat of his silver Lambo and closed the door. Shawn knocked on the window looking confused, Pierce opened the door patiently.

"Daddy, do you have common sense? People say that the front seat is the most dangerous, so children under a certain age would usually be placed in the back seat. Do you not care for my safety?"

Pierce smacked his forehead embarrassed of his mistake, so he had to open the back seat and put Shawn behind.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Pierce asked while pulling out of the parking lot. There were many restaurants close to the Steel towers, including McDonald's. When the big yellow m flashed by Shawn's eyes immediately brightened.

When Pierce glanced at the mirror he naturally saw the desire in the eyes of the little guy. So, he turned into the parking lot of McDonald's and parked the car, he picked up Shawn and walked into McDonald's.

"Daddy, Mommy doesn't allow me to eat this type of junk food!"

"As long as you don't tell her she won't know. " Pierce says while lightly pinching the little guy's plump cheeks.

"You were the one who brought me here. If Mommy found out, I'm going to say that you force me here" Shawn said while pouting. Xiao Han was completely speechless.

"Daddy, do you think that is good?" Shawn said while pointing his finger at a family of three. It was a young couple with their son out eating, and the son was eating a happy meal. Looking at Shawn's chubby finger, Pierce was in awe, "how can a person be so cute!".

"We will only know once we order it."

The father and son duo looked very similar to many people eating in the store. Since this store was very close to the Steel tower many of the workers came here to eat, so they all recognized Pierce. They automatically assumed that the young boy next to him is his son because they look so similar. Even if people didn't know who Pierce was they still took a glance at the duo because of how handsome/cute they looked.

Many young girls were fangirling on the inside. Especially when Shawn started talking, his voice was soft and could melt your heart.

Pierce ordered two different happy meals because Shawn wanted the different figurines inside. Pierce naturally held Shawn's hand to go find a table. They settle on a table next to the window.

The server quickly delivered the food. "Mr.Steel here is your meal."

"Thank you," Pierce said with a smile.

The female server's heart fluttered at his smile.

"It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Steel. We work next to the Steel tower; however, this is the first time seeing you here." Said another server while handing Pierce a straw for their drinks. Pierce just smiled and reached out to insert the straw into the milk. He handed the drink to Shawn.

"Misses, I think we are all set for you. You can go attend to the other customers now!" Shawn said while taking a bite out of his cheeseburger, he let out a toothy smile instantly satisfied with the food. The two female servers, standing in front of Pierce, seemed to want to linger a little longer.

"Who are you, little guy? Are you Mr. Steel's little brother?"

"Did you not hear me call him dad? Or are you guys stupid or something." Shawn said while shoving a fry into his little mouth. He looked at the two girls like they were stupid.

"Wait! Mr. Steel, you are married?!?" The two servers exclaim in surprise.

"Why do you guys need to know?" Shawn said while glaring at the female clerk. Pierce just smiled.

"You are affecting us, eat," Pierce said with a smile, but the female servers still felt the coldness in his words, they apologized quickly and left.

Shawn sucked his drink fiercely and said, "daddy, grandpa was right, you do attract a lot of girls."

"Grandpa?" Pierce questioned. He thought this little guy was taught by Melanie, but in reality, he was taught by his father.

"Well, Grandpa was wrong. Daddy doesn't attract a lot of girls, they just talk to me." Pierce says trying to convince Shawn, even though he isn't even convinced.

Shawn just looked at Pierce like he was stupid or something an expression that you would not see on a four-year-old.

"You always say that adults don't understand children. I'm not a child anymore. I understand. I see everything in this world, and when I see a woman magnet I know exactly what I am seeing. " Shawn says proudly like this was something to celebrate over.

Pierce, "......"

-A secret military base-

Melanie had rubber gloves on her hands, a knife in her hand, and a mask on her face. Several forensic doctors stood by her side. They all stared at Melanie's hands.

Melanie carefully examined the dead, " Please don't talk while I perform this autopsy."

"Yes, Miss!" The forensic doctors all nod simultaneously. Melanie stopped talking and changed a knife. Melanie made a cut on the body's head.

"The deceased is 30 to 35 years old, male The cause of death was a severe blow to the head, which caused the skull to rupture..."Melanie says while steadily cutting and observing.

Melanie picked up a pair of tweezers and carefully picked out a small piece of debris from the broken skull.

"The weapon should be metal, and there is paint on it. The weapon is slightly rusty and the paint should be chipping off." Melanie adds. 

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