
"Jin," Rebecca held up a piece of lettuce, trying to be intimidating. "I'm fine."

"You helped me cook when you stayed with us-" Jin didn't set down his knife, still cutting the carrots.

"I'm serious, out." Rebecca pointed to the living room, Jungkook waving.

"Yoongi." Jin called out, Yoongi sitting on the counter top with his phone.


"Help Bex cook." Jin sat down the knife, leaving the kitchen as Yoongi stood up.


"Jin-" Rebecca let her eyes follow him as he walked away.

"You said I couldn't cook." Jin patted Yoongi's head, Yoongi swatting back. "You didn't say anything about Yoongi." Rebecca narrowed her eyes as Jin sat on top of Jungkook, Sophie laughing.

"You're out of potatoes." Yoongi spoke up after a few minutes. "We only have five." Rebecca glanced over, seeing the bag to be empty.

"Go get some from the garden out back." Rebecca nodded her head as Taehyung creeped into the kitchen. She saw him and moved away from him, smiling softly.

"The garden?" Yoongi finished cutting up the last potato, looking up and sighing softly. Rebecca kept dodging Taehyung, a soft whine escaping said boy's lips as she ducked under his arms. She let up and he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I don't know how to do that."

"Stop it." Rebecca mumbled with a smile, pushing Taehyung's face from her neck. "Come on Yoongi, I'll show you." She poked Taehyung's nose. "Watch the soup for me? Don't let it boil." She blew a kiss and walked to the back, Yoongi following.

"Jin!" Taehyung called out after a few minutes, Jin not looking away from the TV. "When she said 'don't let it boil' does that mean to let the soup bubble out of the pot or not let that happen?" Taehyung watched the soup bubble over the pot, spilling all over the stove top, steam and sizzles filling the ears and eyes of everyone.

"Taehyung!" Jin shouted, running into the kitchen, pulling the boy and his bare feet away from the boiling soup falling to the ground. "I could smack you!" Jin cussed softly, pulling the pot from the hot surface with hot pads, turning off the stove. Once he was finished, he crossed his arms and turned to glare at Taehyung. 

"So that's what a boil is."


"I thought you were making soup?" Namjoon asked Rebecca, swallowing the pizza.

"I was, but it didn't work out." Rebecca shrugged, rubbing Berlin's head as he laid in her lap, taking a sip of the punch she made.

"That doesn't sound right." Namjoon frowned, getting another piece of pizza. "Everything you make always works out." Rebeccca shrugged, Jin rolling his eyes and Jungkook trying to cover his snicker.

"Soup and I don't get along real well." Rebecca saw Taehyung rub his forehead from beside her. She leaned against him, pulling the bag of chips close to her. This touch of skin-ship silently reassured Taehyung that he did nothing wrong. It wasn't a big deal, but he felt really bad about it.

"Oh Becca!" Namjoon wiped his hands with a napkin and jumped to his feet, everyone in the family room. "I think I learned a little bit on the piano!" Namjoon sat down at the bench, rubbing his hands together excitedly. He started to chicken peck the keys, his tongue against his lip in concentration.

After a few slipped notes and completely messed up tempo, Namjoon told everyone it was supposed to be 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'

"Oh that's what it-" Jungkook was cut off by a smack by Jimin, Jungkook biting his lip to hide his smile from Namjoon. Namjoon sighed and put his face in his hands.

"Ugh I'll never learn the piano." He moped, his elbows hitting the keys. Rebecca stood up, smiling gently.



"I think it was wonderful."

"... Are you deaf woman?" Jungkook exclaimed, getting smacked by both Hoseok and Jimin. "I thought it-"

"Shut up Jungkook."

"Yeah Jungle Book, shut up." Rebecca smiled, peeking her head over the piano, Namjoon smiling beside her as well. Jungkook stood up, tilting his head in an 'intimidating' way.

"What did you just call me?"

"Jungle Cock." Rebecca looked down at the keys, a huge smile on her face as Namjoon laughed, everyone actually.

"Come here!" Jungkook shouted, running forward as Rebecca let out a scream, running from him. "Woman!"

"Don't call me Woman you Man!" Rebecca threw a chip at him, still holding the bag of chips as she ran.

"If you're gonna call me Man," Jungkook picked up Rebecca, her sqealing and kicking her legs gently. "Put Iron in front of it. MY WAY MY WAY!"

"Yo!" Taehyung stood up, throwing down his napkin. "Don't touch what isn't your's!"

"Oh fuck." Jungkook sat down Rebecca and ran, Taehyung behind in pursuit. Jungkook and Taehyung almost broke the back screen door by slamming it and running through it. Rebecca laughed, standing up straight, some of the boys chasing after the two youngest.

Sophie was dragged outside by Hoseok, everything else long forgotten. Jimin was about to follow, but Rebecca caught his eye. She stood, smiling at the mess everyone had left, alone.

"You coming Bex?" Jimin walked over to her slowly, her picking up Berlin.

"Let me find Spots, and then I will." Rebecca smiled, tears falling down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jimin hurried forward, holding her shoulders as she wiped away the tears. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Ozzy would've loved this." Rebecca kissed the top of Berlin's head, Berlin's tongue trying to lick her face, but couldn't quite find it. Rebecca leaned down again, letting Berlin lick her face, his tail wagging against her.

"He's with us in spirit." Jimin pointed outside, through the screen door. "You see Jin and Yoongi? I can see Ozzy jumping up, barking as Jin raised his hands. The dog probably would think there's some treat in his hand when really it's just the smell of the pizza." Rebecca smiled and sniffed, her too imagining him jumping around and barking. "Come on Bex. He wouldn't want you to stay inside. Let's make some memories."

Spots licked Rebecca's leg, sitting down obediently, awaiting for the next command.

"Come on baby." Rebecca rubbed his head. "Let's go play."

"Yes!" Ozzy jumped up, watching his Mom, Brother, and new Brother go outside. "Go Mom! Go Brother! You too new Brother! Go! Play! Be free!"

He sat at the porch, unable to go much further. Ozzy's tail wagged gently from behind him. He watched his family play, all sadness of his death long gone.

"Be happy, my Family."

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