Chapter 555 I Don't Want Amy to Have a Strange Little Brother

Start from the beginning

"So you're saying practice makes perfect?" The mercenaries all stared at Mag with wide eyes, feeling as if he were messing with them. However, his genuine expression suggested that he told them the truth. Furthermore, his beef kebabs really were extremely delicious. A superb chef like him really didn't look like he would also be a knight.

"I'll go treat Eva and Evan's injuries first." Sivir rushed up the hill. She had been quite touched by Evan's selfless gesture in attempting to save Eva. All of the comrades in their mercenary squad stuck by one another through thick and thin, so at the very least, Evan had done the right thing just then.

The other mercenaries also hurried up the hill. Meanwhile, Sam and Scott were lying on the ground at the foot of the hill. They had also been wounded in battle.

"The... There's medicine in the bag. Tr... Treat Master Evan first..." Eva stuttered with difficulty before falling unconscious.

"Save Eva first; I can still hold on." Evan looked at Eva with a concerned expression. His face was almost entirely devoid of color.

"You guys go set Evan's bones and stop the bleeding. We'll have to take him back to Chaos City and seek out a healer to treat his wounds." Sivir took the back off Evan's shoulders and handed Dennis and Monkey some medical supplies. Meanwhile, she carried Eva to an obscure location and took off her clothes to administer treatment.

"Father, what should we do now?" Amy asked.

"We can help out Mr. Sam and Mr. Scott. You can conjure up some ice to put over their injuries and soothe their pain." Mag carried Amy in his arms as he made his way down the hill. He quite liked Sam and Scott, so he was rather concerned about their wounds.

Sam and Scott had also been gored by the Ironhide Bull. Thankfully, they'd been prepared, and managed to avoid sustaining injuries to their vital regions.

Scott had a broken rib, while Sam's injuries were a lot less severe—there was only a gash on his stomach that wasn't bleeding very profusely. Their pain was alleviated significantly with Amy's help.

Sivir and the others administered some basic first-aid to their wounded comrades. Evan and Evan were in very bad condition, but they were going to survive, so everyone heaved a temporary sigh of relief.

Mag made his way over to Sivir, and said, "I only need one of the Ironhide Bulls here. If you need the other one, I can give it to you. After all, without you guys, we might not have been able to discover any Ironhide Bulls."

Sivir looked into Mag's in silence for a short while before replying solemnly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. We'll have to trouble you again for the return journey, though," Mag replied with a smile.

"Of course." Sivir nodded in response. After taking care of their wounded comrades and the frozen Ironhide Bulls, they began to head back to Chaos City.

Dusk was approaching, yet there were still many customers outside Mamy Restaurant.

Some were customers who didn't know that Mamy Restaurant was closed, while others were trying their luck to see if the dinner service would recommence.

However, all of them had their attention attracted to one person standing in front of the restaurant entrance.

Ricky had a fat arm raised high into the air as he yelled, "Let me say this one more time: owner of Mamy Restaurant, if you're in the restaurant and if you're a man, then speak up! As long as you admit that your cooking skills are inferior to mine and bow to me with a formal apology, then I'll let bygones be bygones. Otherwise, accept my challenge and let's have a cooking contest like real men!"

All of the customers were discussing spiritedly among themselves, wondering if Mag would appear and accept the challenge.

"Hmph! Spineless cowards don't deserve to cook in the Aden Square!" Ricky's ego became even more inflated as the smile on his face widened. He didn't believe for a second that Mag had truly gone out to source ingredients. He had to be petrified of his challenge, and was in hiding. Otherwise, why would he close down such a successful restaurant for an entire day?

Ricky looked around at all of the customers in front of the restaurant, and was struck by just how much money Mamy Restaurant had to be earning. A thought occurred to him as he yelled again, "If you think such a small bet isn't worth your time, then I'll up the stakes. The one who loses must do three things: kowtow to the winner and call them 'daddy' three times, give all of their restaurant's recipes to the winner, and relinquish ownership rights of their restaurant to the owner!"

Right at that moment, Mag's voice sounded in reply. "I accept your challenge, but I only accept the third condition. I don't' want Amy to have a strange little brother like you."

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