Hopping around to dodge the explosions, I fired an arrow at every wolf that jumped towards us, they came one by one clockwise, until one was sneaky enough to try to jump to my back. After a back jump, I let it nearly past me. I did a spin kick to shoot the wolf. in the direction he jumped to. I quickly turned around to shoot another wolf down, then, another one had the gull to try and attack Fried Shrimp. It felt like I moved at Super Speed when I leapt over to Fried Shrimp and grabbed the wolf by the fur on its chest, I immediately swung it against another incoming wolf before throwing it at a different wolf that was about to jump at us.

There were only two wolves left, one got close to me not long after I chucked the previous wolf, I stepped to the side to let it get closer before punching it away, jumped to avoid another Christmas ball, and finished them as I fired a light arrow through a wolf, I even hit two other wolves behind him with that arrow. When I landed, I froze up for a few seconds. The trees were rustling, something loud banged on the ground. I saw two trees nearby being broken through. A big blue wolf-like monster jumped in front of me. It was a common tough enemy known as, Fenrir.

It used its weight in an attempt to slam his right claw onto me. I slightly jumped to my right, dodging it. I kept evading his assault, jumping back from a swipe of its left claw, a thrust from another claw eluded me as I hopped to my left, I materialized my blade afterwards and deflected another slash from his right claw. He tried to gnaw me, so I hopped away from it backwards before moving forward and thrusting my blade against its head.

It wailed in pain, giving me an opportunity to slash him below the neck area. He didn't take that well and tried to basically grapple me and bite me, only for me to knock my blade against below its head, almost sending him flying. The pissed off monster growled whilst I saw some cold wind being absorbed into its mouth. I preemptively jumped in the air, and because of that, his big ice breath attack that looked like a flame only froze some trees.

Whilst I was high in the air, I materialized a hammer and used it to smash his back. After the crushing blow nearly stunned him, I casted light enchantment on my blade, and cut the Fenrir in half as I quickly jumped past it saying, "Mirror Blade!" I looked back at an infatuated Fried Shrimp, only to see her face turn grim. I heard the rustling of the leaves above us. Those Christmas ball bomb throwers revealed themselves and tried to stab us with sharpened candy cones. Although it might look like we were cornered, I had already shot a few bomb arrows into the air. With wind magic they curved and were shot back at the ground, blowing our ambushers up. Casually, I made a gesture to tell Fried Shrimp to keep moving with me.

We found an entrance to a crystal cave that will lead us into the crystal forest. It was very pretty inside, it was only one big area, one half of it will be dark when you're on the other half. Kind of bizarre, interesting nonetheless. There was a lot of water, some rivers coursed through the air going all kinds of ways. There also was a lake to the side. The water was not only clean and sweet, it was actually drinkable. I was surprised to find that it tasted like milkshakes. The fact that it was just water, structurally at well, made that feel really odd.

A big ice golem came out of the ground. He himself was floating and had a bunch of floating crystals around his whole body. He fired lasers at me, I could've deflected them, but I used them to exercise, dodging them all. Apparently, tinier crystals were moved along with the beams. They surrounded me and charged up a magical energy. With my Wind Sense, I could position myself perfectly so all the beams would miss me. I moved slightly two more times to make them elude me whilst I enchant my feet and sword with light.

With a single step at the speed of light, I was far behind the golem having sliced him in half with Mirror Blade. He wasn't done yet, he was using Ice magic to regenerate himself. He even tried to throw a barrage of icicles at me. With a bunch of evasive movements, I ran up to him and cut him with Hot Edge, the fire was melting him and stopped his regeneration. Three seconds later, and I used fire enchantment to easily cut him into a million pieces. I was quite impressed with the speed of my own slashes, I must've swung my sword about ten times a second.

Hyperdimension Neptunia: Third Sister; Light Volume 2: GrowthWhere stories live. Discover now