I spun my sword around me with my fingers before holding it in front of me and looking at it.
"Perfect. I now have a sword that matched me new strength.", I thought with a satisfied grin.
"Reconsideration: Sending robots at targets will make target stronger via level up by killing them. Alternate solution, fight one-on-one. Chance of victory, 95%.", I heard out of the group of machines.
I looked at the army, only to see that Blue Screen had already moved.

I felt something heavy slicing the wind behind me. Fortunately for me, I had already casted Light Step on me. I moved far away, seeing a fist fly in the place I was formerly at. I stopped sliding backwards over the ground. I looked at him, he had changed form. A bunch of arms came from his main body, some helped him stand up straight.
"Battle mode active. Fist, missed. Conclusion: She can detect me in ways other than her five senses. Stealth mode ineffective.", he stated.
He wasn't lying. He didn't look particularly fast. Just bulky, armed with dozens of weapons.

One of such weapons were thick red beams that could burn through a steel wall. however, I held my blade in front of them, they simply were deflected off my sword.
"Analysis. Blade made of Chromium detected. Small enchantments detected. Magic resisted by fifty percent, lasers ineffective, thirty percent change to backfire. Switching to other weaponry.", I heard from him. He seemed to have calculated that before it came out of its mouth, for he had already prepared the gatling guns. I made a mad dash out of there, the bullets penetrated the ground below my feet. I knew he would try multiple times to calculate where I would go, so I had to be careful too. Sometimes, I had to used Light step to move out of the way.

At some point, I predicted what he was going to do instead of the other way around. I knew he would shoot further ahead to where I was going to move, so I stopped, focused on him, and then, I used Light Step to pass through him. It was difficult to cross such a distance with one jump, but I was able to swing my blade as I went through him, and even if it was clumsily done, I managed to land on the ground safe and sound. I turned my head behind me to look at one of his two arms that had a thick fists attached to a bulky forearms that were more than half the size of myself. I sliced it off.

Albeit, he could regenerate it in the next second. I jumped towards him and tried to strike him, he blocked me with his arm. After I bounced back, I noticed a scratch. With my weapon, I was strong enough to slightly damage such a strong foe. But I couldn't feel good about myself all day, when I thrusted my blade towards him, he activated some kind of energy barrier that even by blade couldn't pierce. Just like most modern weaponry, I had no idea how that shield of energy worked. I assumed nothing could crush it. Not that I had time to think about it anyways, he shot a flamethrower at me, followed by icicles summoned from the air.

With Light Step, I jumped back quite a distance so that none of it could hit me. As the same time, he had launched a bunch of missiles from his body. They blew up behind me the millisecond I jumped forward. I avoided more by jumping to the side, than I turned around and jumped in the opposite direction to dodge more. I zigzagged close to the monster, but eventually, he let a few rockets blew up in front of where I had stopped my Light Step movement.

I was expecting rockets or gunfire, but then I sensed something heavy flying my way. I jumped aside and turned to look, a fist came out of the dust cloud made by the missiles. I noticed the black limb attached to this brick of an arm, he stretched it at least a few hundred meters. I wanted to jump away as I noticed something odd with the thick metal, but I was already too late. It exploded close enough to me to send me flying. I could feel slight stinging pain in my arms and legs, a bit of skin on my face got burned as well, but at least I got out of it soon enough for me to still be doing fine.

I roughly landed on my two feet and with a strained and panicked face, I looked over to where Blue Screen was. I noticed he was gone, so he was using stealth mode. Or so, I had thought. When I used the wind to feel, I knew something was coming my way from the sky, tearing apart the air itself. He somehow flew high and pulled his limbs and head into its main body, all so that he could fly straight at me like a comet. It wasn't difficult to avoid him crashing into the ground, but the moment I was in the air, with him on the ground, he shot a fist at me from his main body. I slowed down to the speed of a normal person as long as I wasn't touching the ground, and with precise calculations, he was able to punch me with a stretched out arm just before my feet reached the surface.

Hyperdimension Neptunia: Third Sister; Light Volume 2: GrowthWhere stories live. Discover now