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Billy's pov... 

I flopped down on my bed. Dad wasn't going to be home until 4:00 am. I looked at my clock, 4:30. I took my phone out and texted Zak. "Hey" He responded 3 seconds later, "Hi" he said. "im having a party at my place tonight" I lit a joint, my room would smell like pot, but whatever. I let myself get higher than the clouds. My world shifted with color. "Ill be there" I texted. I took a long drag and exhaled, smoke filling my room. "Hey, G?" I texted, "Ya?" "I think I really like you"...I waited for a response, oblivious to the fact that I just admitted to being gay to the captain of the football team. He responded quicker that I thought, "I'll see you at the party tonight;)". I know I was high, because I started to laugh uncontrollably. 

I walked up the front steps to Zak's house. Loud music played inside, I walked in. There were already people there. I saw Aaron and Jay sitting next to Zak on the couch. The TV was on, playing what appeared to be sponge bob square pants. The smell of vodka filled my nose. The room was hazy, The lights were dimmed slightly. I walked up to Zak. He was wearing a tight black shirt that showed off his beautiful arms. His black jeans had tears at the knees. His red Jordan's adding a splash of color to the hardwood floor. People were dancing, holding blue solo cups. Aaron was holding a beer can. Jay had a girl with a brown braid and a tight black dress on his lap. She reminded me of Katniss Everdeen from "the hunger games". Zak was sitting with the Blonde girl I'd seen in homeroom. "Hey man!" Zak said, yelling over the music. I smiled at him, "This is Erica" He looked at the blonde girl, "Hi" She said. I nodded. Zak got up, "Come with me" he said, gripping my arm. He pulled me into the kitchen, there were pizza boxes and fancy glass bottles of alcohol. He handed me a solo cup. I sipped, the scotch burning my throat as I swallowed. I downed the cup. Letting myself go. "Tell me about your life" Zak said, leaning on the granite counter. "Well, um I live with my dad" Zak nodded, "My older brother is at harvard, and my mom died last year" Zak's eyes widened, "Im so sorry" He said, "No, its fine" I blushed, "Uh...I like getting high, and-" He looked at me, grinning, "If I told you I had a weed stash, what would you say?" He asked, "I'd ask if I could have some" I said laughing. He pulled a small bag out of his pocket, "Anything for my locker buddy" He said, handing it to me. This made me fall for him even harder.   

Confuzzled by love??GAC high school romance OwOحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن