On very gay ice.

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Billy's Pov..

I walked away from Zak, heading for the exit to smoke before homeroom. I knew that I had class in about 20 minutes. I rehearsed what I would tell my new classmates "My name is Billy, Im 17. Me and my dad moved here from Maine. Im the new goalie for the Vegas hornets." I took a drag from the joint in my hand, "My name is Billy, Im 17. Me and my dad moved here from Maine" I make my life seem simple and complete. Even though my world is broken and the only thing that fixes it are drugs and hockey. Its bad enough that my mom died and my brother went off to college, but now I have to start at a new school. And then there's the fact that im gay. The only person who knows is my brother. But he's gone. My life is incomplete. But hey, at least I still have hockey. My mind drifted to Zak. His muscular arms. I had immediately developed a crush on him as soon as I walked through the door. He would make me feel complete. He could make me so happy. But im sure he's taken, probably some cheerleader. Students start crowding the street. I throw the joint down and step on, and walk back in. 

I find my classroom okay. Room 709, I walk into the room, there is already a couple people in there. There's a black girl with long black hair and a pink headband. There's two boys reading in the corner, probably studying. Then I see him. Zak is sitting with a blonde girl with a blue tube top and leggings. Her long pink fingernails remind me of my aunt Lexi. Zak notices me and smiles. He motions for me to come over. I walk toward him, taking a seat across from him. I get a closer look at the girl, she has pounds of makeup on, her lips shimmer. I stare blankly at Zak, wondering how I could be in that seat, with my arm entwined with his.  

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