Teacher x Student. (Part 1)

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  • Dedicated to Sarah.

The pic is what Mr. Way is wearing by the way.
Genre: Smutty smut.
Description: Frankie is in ninth grade, he has a new art teacher who has taken a liking to him...

Dedication: Sarah, You know who you are. you are an amazing friend and I wuv chu. (No homo.)


I heard the bell ring, I quickly rushed to first hour.


One of the only things I was good at. I am what you would call "Emo faggot with no friends."

I stopped abruptly as I overheard a conversation. "I heard there's a new art teacher..."

"His names Uh, Mr. Way... I think?"

I heard enough. I ran to art as quickly as I could. Surprisingly, I was the first in. "Hello!" I jumped when I saw a man standing right in front of me. He was wearing a dark blue muscle tee, tight skinny jeans that really showed him off behind, and he had BRIGHT red hair... He was nicely toned and skinny. "I'm Mr. Way." He suddenly spoke once again. I quickly looked up, snapped out of my trance. "H-hi." I felt a familiar heat creep upon my face. Mr. Way was HOT... He must've seen me because he smiled widely and winked at me before walking back to his desk, I noticed as he was walking back, his hips were swaying a bit more than they normally should. I walked to the back of the room as more kids started to come into the class. "Hey Frank the faggot!" I heard a voice behind me. I jumped and wheeled around only to receive a hard punch to the face. The bell rang and we all sat.

Mr. Way stood in front of the class and spoke loudly and confidently. "Hi! I'm Mr. Way. I'm the new art teacher." He started. "Here are the rules, do whatever the fuck you want. Just don't hurt and or bully anybody." He quickly glanced at me and flashed a white grin before continuing. "You can curse, eat, drink, and do whatever." The whole class looked a bit taken a back. He was the kind of teacher that EVERYBODY wanted. "Today, Uh..." He stopped to think for a moment, curling a piece of his hair around his long finger. And my god, it was irresistible... "Draw what is on your mind, your current mood. Anybody volunteer to pass out paper and pencils?" Nobody raised their hand. So I did. "Frankie!" He pointed to me then the cabinet. I was surprised that he added the last syllable to my name. Only my parents did that... When they weren't drunk or high... the class stared at me. I quickly walked to the closet and grabbed the pencil cup, paints, I grabbed the thicker paper. As I was passing them out, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned my head to see Mr. Way staring AT MY ASS. I blushed madly. I took my seat and began drawing. I looked at Mr. Way, who was looking down. I quickly sketched his facial shape and his shoulders and body. I drew a small square and him to represent the desk. I drew in his gorgeous eyes... And luscious lips... I stopped myself and thought about what I was thinking. I shrugged it off and continued. Before I knew it, I was sketching hearts and such things around my portrait. I was cleaning up my lines when a shadow darkened my drawing. I saw Mr. Way staring at my drawing. "Very nice, realistic." He smiled and blushed a tad. "Is that me?" I started sweating a bit. "Y-yes..." I was stuttering horribly. "I'm on your mind... I could say the same for you..." He smirked and walked away, swinging those damn hips like a sassy bitch. Class was almost over. Mr. Way asked for our drawings, which I reluctantly handed over. "Frankie?" He cleared his throat before speaking again. "Would you like to help clean up after class?" I nodded slowly. The bell rang and I walked to his desk. "Won't I be late?" I was a bit worried... "NOPE! I already contacted your second and third hour teachers." Two hours to clean? Well, it was a bit messy. "By the way, please call me Gerard." I nodded and grabbed a wet sponge and began scrubbing the table. I bent over the table completely and I felt a pair of warm hands on my hips. I froze. "G-gerard?"


"Yes sexy?" I bent over him and purred in his ear, earning a shiver.
I slid my hand down to his ass and squeezed it softly. He moaned... I grinned. "So do you want this... I already know the answer..."

"Y-yeah..." He whispered and I flipped him over so that he was sitting on the edge of the table and I was standing in front of him. I leaned in slowly and began kissing him gently. He kissed back, twice as hard. "Tell me I'm a bad man." I moaned between the kiss. The kiss deepened... His arms were around my neck and his hands were in my hair. My hands were holding his hips. I allowed one hand to graze his crotch. He squealed and I felt his erection. I pulled away. "Somebody's excited..." I pointed at him and he blushed redder than my hair. "You look adorable when you do that..." I leaned down and unzipped his pants with my teeth. I pulled them down the rest. I saw his member through the fabric and pulled down his boxers so he was bare. I was surprised by the size. I started rubbing him. "G-Gerard..." I looked at him to see his eyes staring at me intently. I stared back at him. I slowly licked the tip and heard a loud slutty moan. "We haven't even started..." I whispered and took him into my mouth. My free hand was slipped into his shirt. I moved my hair out of my face and continued sucking him off. "Your eyes are beautiful..." Frankie said out of nowhere. I continued, harder now. "Gerard... I think I'm gonna c-" He didn't finish his sentence. I felt warm liquid run down my throat and I swallowed, careful to leave some. I pulled up and stared at him for a fraction of a second. "You taste amazing... You need to see for yourself." I growled seductively. I aggressively began to kiss him for a few heated minutes. He pulled away first. "I'll be back." I said sternly. I walked to my desk and opened a drawer to see my lube. I snatched it and walked back to Frankie. "I think it's your turn..." he looked at me innocently. "I've n-never done this Sir..." He immediately realized he said had called me 'sir.' "you can call me sir..." I let the words escape my mouth without second thought. He looked at me again, lost. "I'll tell you what to do love..., do what I just did..."

~After le sexy thing.~

I opened the lube and applied it to my fingers. "are you ready?" I asked him. "Yes." he didn't stutter... He was stern. I smiled and bent him over the table again. I slowly put on finger inside of him. I didn't hear a thing from him. I pushed in the second finger and heard a small sqeak. I began scissoring my fingers and heard a small but noticeable moan. I pulled out and positioned myself. "you won't be able to walk properly for a few days..." I pushed in and heard a sluttish moan. "Little slut..." I growled deeply. "Y-y-yes sir." he sounded a bit scared. That turned me on even more. I thrust out and slammed back in, hard. The table moved a few inches. I didn't care. I continued this pattern and saw him reach down. "No." I swatted his and away and took his cock into my hand and pumped, rubbing my thumb over the slit. I began thrusting and pumping in rhythm. "Your tight... Whore..." I yelled into his ear as I grabbed his black hair and stood him up, not stopping. I towered over him. My thrusts became a bit eratic. "In our out..." I croaked. "I-in sir..." Frankie replied. I buried my self deep inside of him and came hard. I pulled out slowly, savoring the feeling. I pulled my pants up as did Frankie. "Not bad for a virgin..." With that, I walked out and left him staring at me.


I'm going to hell for this. Please tell me if my first smut was ok... 1443 words? DAMN! new record.

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