Berric Dondarian - You're Mine

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You had known Beric for as long as you could remember. He would often visit Winterfell with his father. You used to be so excited to see him. You were both about 15/16 at this time and would always arrange to meet at night time so that your relationship remained a secret and no gossip would follow you.

One evening you had met Beric just outside the castle walls.

"You took your time," he said playfully. You gave him a sneer. "So where shall we venture this evening?" Beric asked gesturing foe you to take his arm. He was always so gentlemanly.

"Hmmm, let's head towards the wall! I bet we could track down white walkers or giants" you said with much excitement and taking his arm. Beric tutted.

"You must stop with these fantasies! There is enough adventure right here without having to freeze to death" Beric replied laughing.

You both walked for most of the night, eventually, you found a spot where you could see all of Winterfell. As the sun was rising over the castle you realized just how beautiful it was.

"I have to tell you Y/N, I don't want you marrying some spoilt Lord" Beric said looking at you.

"I know, I don't want to marry him either but father says I'm doing it for my house and will mean peace between our two houses" You replied.

Beric looked at you and held your cheek in his hand and he sighed.

"You are so beautiful," He said "I want us to be together! Why don't we run away! We could go right now and never look back" He continued jumping to his feet and pulling you up with him.
you laughed and looked down at your feet.

"Now whos fantasizing!" you laughed.

"I could go and find us a ship right now, and we could head east, a lifetime of adventure" he interrupted.

You loved Beric and you wanted to marry him so much more than that other lord you didn't even know. But it was impossible, you're father would never approve.

Beric seemed down after this conversation and you headed back to the castle.

That next morning when you were breaking fast with both yours and Beric's family there was no sign of him you heard two guards say he wasn't in his chambers and no were on castle grounds. There was also a horse missing from the stables.

He had left Winterfell. You were devastated. A few weeks passed and there was hardly any news of Beric. There were some rumors that said he had joined the brotherhood without banners but nothing was actually confirmed 'he could be anywhere', you thought. 

Time Skip

The Bolton's has taken over Winterfell. Your father, mother, and brother had been killed, your sisters held hostage in the capital and god knows where Beric was. You managed to escape just before they hade declare your home theirs. You had been walking for land for weeks now you had started to grow week, but still this was better than living under the rules of Ramsey Bolton.

One evening as you were setting up camp, and by camp, you meant a small fire and you covered yourself in dirt and leaves to avoid being spotted easily, you heard a group of men singing and an orange glow in the distance. You knew if you approached them you would be raped and probably murdered. But you were so hungry.

All of a sudden there was a hand on your shoulder.

"Hello dear, you lost?," A man said. "I'm sure the boss would like you" he continued. Before you had a chance to fight or even think, two men had grabbed your arms and started to walk you to their camp.

You tried to fight them off but they were too strong and screaming could have caused too much-unwanted attention.

"What are you two idiots doing," a man said, "Let her go at once" he continued walking over to you. The men gave him a rude sneer and released you.

"Are you okay dear?" he continued. You did not answer fear was striking through you but you had to remain calm. "My name is Tharos of Myr and yours?" he said waiting for an answer.

"Y/N, of Winterfell," You said, still scared as anything but you said it with confidence. Tharos looked shocked.

"Y/N" a voice called from afar. You couldn't quite make out who it was but as he rushed closer it was clear.

It was Beric.

You flung your arms around him and held him so tight you didn't think you would ever let go. So many emotions, thoughts, and questions were running around your head.

"I thought I'd never see you again," you said pulling away but not letting go of his arms.

"I can't believe you're alive, after everything that happened to your family, Y/N I am so sorry," He said looking down. 

"I am so happy I found you," you said holding his cheek and giving him a soft smile. He put his hand over yours and smiled.

"Marry me," he said softly.

"What," you said in shock.

"I am never going to leave you again. Do you understand me? Never ever again, you're mine" he replied.

You paused for a moment and said nothing. Smiling you pulled him in for a kiss.

"Yes," You said smiling.

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