The Battle of Blackwater Bay - The Hound - Part Four

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Your POV

You had both been riding for a day and night, you were aching and exhausted. You had stopped off at a keep for the night. It was far enough away from Kings Landing to be safe, for one night at least.

You had stopped for dinner and rest for your horse, you told Sandor about your life before you came to Kings Landing and your father. He was a loyal man who was true to the Starks, and your mother who died when you were born.

"Is your father by himself?" Sandor asked. He didn't talk much over dinner. But you felt the need to talk to just fill the silence that had been following you since you left Kings Landing.

"Yes," you said with regret. Sandor looked at you with a soft smile. Like he understood what you were going through.

"I know its hard little bird, leaving all you care about behind," He said. "I'll get you back to your father, I promise" He smiled.

"Why did you go to Kings Landing?" You asked wanting to know more about him and his life. At first, he looked as if he was reluctant to answer.

"I followed my brother, our father wanted us to be knights," he said. "Worked out well for one of us" he continued taking a swig of his ale.

"You protected the King," you said. "That's one of the greatest honors of all time, if your father doesn't see that then he is a cunt" you smiled.

It made Sandor smile when you swore, you looked like a pretty little lady, but when you swore it made him realize that you could be as foul as he, and he loved that.

You both made your way up to where you would be sleeping for the night. To both of your shock, there was only one bed.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Sandor said pointing towards the window, where he grabbed a blanket and laid it down on the floor. That was sweet you thought. You could never understand why people always used to say mean things about him.

"Don't be silly" You said. "You saved my life, the least I can do is share a bed!" You continued. Sandor looked uncomfortable for a moment.

"You don't want to share a bed with me little bird," he said.

You walked over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Sandor, there is no one else in the world that I would want to be with right now, and I'm not just saying that because you saved my life and for that, which am eternally grateful for, but I'm not letting you sleep on the floor" You smiled.

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