Pitch Perfect

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Last Time on Glee:"Coach Beiste?" I knocked on the boys locker room door to make my presence noticed

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Last Time on Glee:
"Coach Beiste?" I knocked on the boys locker room door to make my presence noticed.
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" She asked.
I walked into the room, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Sure, what is it?" she nodded.
"I wanna join the football team."

"What?" I asked shocked.
"It's not that I don't want you on the team. I mean, I've seen you practice with Finn and Puck and you're really good but- you and I both know that the boys on the team won't like it, the ones not in glee club, of course."
"Coach, I completely understand. You don't want the same thing that happened to Kurt, to happen to me."
"I'm sorry Riley, I really am." She frowned.
"No, it's fine." I then muttered to myself, "I'll be fine. But thanks."

I walked out of the locker room and ran into Finn. "Hey, you ok?"
"To be honest with you... no. My brother moved schools without telling us and I just asked Coach Beiste to join the football team and she said no."
"What?" He questioned.
"I understand though, she doesn't want what happened to Kurt, to happen to me."
"Yeah totally, especially with Azimio and Karosfky." Finn agreed.

"Anyway can you drop me off at Dalton?" I wondered.
"Sure. You seeing Kurt?"
"No, I'm visiting this random person I just met. Of course it's Kurt." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
"Do you have to be so sarcastic?" He asked.
"Finn.... I'm 120 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defence."
"I'm not even gonna ask questions anymore if I get replies like that." He gave in. "Come on let's go."


We got to Dalton and I went to get out of the car, "are you not coming with me?"
"Sorry, Rachel's blowing up my phone with texts. Tell Kurt I said hi." I nodded and walked into the school.

Gosh! No wonder Kurt chose to go to school here. It's huge. How am I supposed to find him in here?

"Excuse me? Do you know where I could find the Warblers?"
"Just keep walking down the hallway and you'll find the choir room. You can't miss it."

I kept walking until I found them. "Hey, you miss me?"
They turned around and Kurt spoke, "Lee? What are you doing here?"
"I'm obviously here to see my favourite person in the world, Blaine Devon Anderson."
"It's great to see you too, Riley." He pulled me into a hug.
"I thought I'd come visit you," I hugged Kurt, "oh, Finn told me to tell you that he said hi."

"Who's this?" I heard one of the boys ask.
Blaine then replied, "this is Riley, Kurt's sister. Riley this is-"
"And I'm Nick."
"You're really pretty." Jeff spoke.
"Thanks but I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend." I smiled.
"Well that's a bummer." He frowned.

Blaine then directed my attention back to him, "you're just in time. We were practicing a song for sectionals."
"Are you sure I can see that? Wouldn't that be like spying on the competition."
"It's cool." Blaine spoke, "we know you won't go and tell the New Directions."
"Well in that case..." I shrugged. "Take it away Blainey Days!"
"Don't call me that.." he sung before beginning.

Please don't stop the

[Blaine with The Warblers (Warblers)]
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music (music, music, music)
Please don't stop the music (music, music, music)
Please don't stop the music (music, music, music)
Please don't stop the music (music, music, music)

It's getting late
I'm making my way over to my favorite place
I gotta get my body moving, shake the stress away
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way
Possible candidate, yeah

Who knew, that you'd be up in here lookin' like you do
You're making staying over here impossible
Baby I must say, your aura is incredible
If you don't have to go (don't)

Do you know what you've started?
I just came here to party
But now we're rocking on the dancefloor, acting naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest and now we're face to face

[Blaine with The Warblers]
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music

Baby are you ready cause it's getting close
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode
What goes on between us no one has to know
This is a private show, oh

Do you know what you've started?
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin on the dancefloor, acting naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest and now we're face to face

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
The music, please don't stop the music

When they finished, I cheered, "that was great! We have some serious competition." My phone then buzzed. "Well I gotta go, Finn just texted me that he's got to meet Rachel and he's my ride so... I will see you at sectionals." I hugged both of the boys and waved to the others. 

Sectionals is gonna be harder to win than I thought.

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