~Jealousy and First Kiss~

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"Really?" I raised my brow.

"Yeah, she's stubborn just like you." She teased and I pouted. "I'm not stubborn." I replied. "But she's also as caring as you." She added and my heart warmed up.

"I've seen the way you care for Zayaan and I've also noticed the way he appreciates and cares for you." She commented and I gave her a shy smile. "How long have you known Zayaan?" I asked. "I've known him since he shifted here 4 years ago." 4 years ago? That means when he was 23. What about before that, I thought Zayaan had been running this company since he graduated.

I made a mental note to ask about it later. "That's pretty long." I smiled and she nodded. "I've seen it's pretty hard for that boy to show affection but I've also noticed how hard he tries with you." She added while washing the dishes. Instantly, the emotionless Zayaan popped into my mind and I nodded with her.

I had seen the way he tried to hide behind his mask sometimes when he didn't want to show what he was feeling. That man himself was a mystery with all his secrets that he hid from the world.

But then a picture of Zayaan smiling warmly at me or kissing my forehead popped in and a smile took over my face. I had also seen the fact that he tried his best to keep his emotionless face away infront of me.

He tried his best to smile at me and being as caring as possible. The next hour passed in me talking with Haleema and preparing my biryani. After it was done I packed it into a box and decided to change into better clothes.

For the first time, I wanted to get ready for him. After dressing up, I decided to do a bit of makeup. I coated my lashes in mascara and lined my eyes with liner and kohl. After dusting some light blush onto my cheeks, I finished my look with a nude lipstick. I then wrapped a black hijab around my head and gave myself a final look.

Picking up my phone and purse, I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed the box containing the biryani

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Picking up my phone and purse, I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed the box containing the biryani. I didn't know the address of his office so I had remembered to grab one of his company cards which he kept in the drawer.

I knocked on the driver's room whose name I found out was Basil. "Can you take me to Zayaan's office?" I asked him politely as soon as he opened the door. He gave me a small smile as he brought his keys and nodded. I settled into the car and handed him the card which contained the address.

The drive took 20 minutes, throughout which I was a bundle of nerves. What if he didn't like the fact that I came to his office or what if he wasn't there? Different questions ran through my mind as I fiddled with my hands. "Here we are." Basil said and I muttered a thanks as I got out of the car and stared at his company in awe.

I didn't even know that it was this big. I had to squint just to look at the top of it. The whole building was made out of glass and there was a huge sign at the top which said Z enterprises. I looked at the building proudly as a warm feeling settled in my heart.

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