The rain never stopped

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The rain never stopped. Not after his accident and definitely not after his death. 


The mechanic had gotten off his job early. A surprise visit to his wife's workplace was the idea he had all along. Flowers would definitely be there, so he made a trip to the flower shop. He bought a nice bouquet of Red tulips. tulips because in the language of flowers, Red tulips meant undying love; and that was exactly what he felt towards his wife.

After his payment, he stood on the footpath and waited for the signal to turn green. The moment it did he walked to cross the road. 500m and he would reach the workplace. Oh how he excited he was. Nothing could stop him.

He hummed to himself as he skipped about the crossing, completely oblivious --but maybe the rain was the one to blame. In a moment there were people shouting, a car honking loudly and bright flashlights; which he couldn't hear nor see for some reason. Everything happened so fast that he didn't realise that he was already on the ground, blood pouring like a mini fountain from his head. He only saw the trampled flowers next to his face and reached out to grab them. It would be a waste to see them trampled. As his hand grabbed a flower he felt someone lifting him up and then he saw absolute darkness.

Almost like he fell asleep.

The doctor was maybe one of the most hard working females in the hospital. She worked overnight at least 5 days a week. Her husband was caring enough to understand that and that's one of the reasons she loved him. So kind and caring.

Today she was hoping to get out early and not stay overnight. She hasn't slept in so long. It was a downpour outside and she hoped that her husband would get home safely. She sat in her office, humming her favourite tune, lost in her thoughts. A call interrupted her thoughts and on listening to the caller she immediately ran to the OT. A car accident had happened and the patient seemed to be in critical condition.

She reached the room, spouting immediate orders at the nureses and junior doctor when she saw the wound. She looked at his face to examine any facial/head injuries  but instead, she let out a small scream. On tye table lied her husband, bleeding from the head.

She felt her while world shatter.

The doctors and nurses present stopped their work only for a second to question her scream. Tears flowed out of her eyes and she fell to the floor crying. The people around her had no time to waste and quickly worked on reviving the patient completely ignoring the cries from the heartbroken female who wasn't talking. Just loud sobs.

They worked for hours while she sat outside staring into nothing. Finally the news came that he was dead and had passed onto the afterlife. She couldn't reply, instead more tears streamed down her cheeks.

Who knew a promise to stay together forever could be shattered so quickly?

She left to their house, entering and finding it so -so- empty. She went to his room, taking off her clothes and putting on one of his hoodies. It smelt like oil, smoke and him.

It smelt like home.


The next few days were a blur as preparations for the funeral was made. It rained for a week and was to rain for a week more. Maybe the sky wept his death instead of her. She had to stay strong and lead this life for the both of them. 

If she could even hold herself on her own.

The funeral was done in the rain. the few people present shedding tears --actually who knows the rain masked everything-- and sobbing. Giving condolences to the now widow.

when everything was over, she stayed till the end. She waited for everyone to leave so that she could have a private conversation with her now late husband. As She crouched down, her dress getting stained with the wet mud, She took out the special flowers she had saved for him: purple hyacinths and Red tulips. She placed it on the cement and smiled sadly.

"I'll lead this life for the both of us. And when my time comes may we be reunited wherever you are."

She didn't know if it reached her husband or if it was carried away by the wind but her heart eased up a bit, just a little. She got up, adjusting her grip on her umbrella so she could return to the house without getting drenched. When she started leaving a strong gust of wind blew removing the bun her hair was tied in, letting it free. She didn't care (half being she was sad and the other being it was her husband's favourite hair style on her).

she kept walking but what she didn't realise was that the sun was peaking from behind the clouds and that maybe her words did reach her husband.

Maybe she wouldn't be as alone as she thought she would be.

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