Chapter 5: Concept Of Teamwork

Start from the beginning

Y/N: (Maybe...)

I walk out of the bathroom and see Kurome alongside my bag as I strap the sheath on my bag and insert the blade into it.

Katsune: (You think the teachers are gonna be okay with you having your weapon out all the time?)

Y/N: (Professor Ozpin has already seen first hand what happens if he tried to seperate me from Kurome, I think he understands my reasons)

I check my scroll once again to see that only thirty minutes has passed.

Y/N: (Now, what to do for the next two hours?)

I look down at my bag and start to unpack pulling out my sword cleaning kit, some snacks, and three spare outfits alongside my battle attire.

Katsune: (We should get you more clothes)

Y/N: (Right...)

I fold my clothes putting them into a neat stack placing my cleaning case to the side.

Y/N: (Now to my locker...)

I walk out from the sleeping area to the living room as I see my locker is lined up with theirs and place all my stuff in there.

(Only image I got for Beacons Dorm Room Layout)

(Only image I got for Beacons Dorm Room Layout)

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Katsune: (What are you gonna do now?)

Y/N: (Guess we can look around more of the Campus before heading back to class)

I grab my backpack and head out making my way to the courtyard as I suddenly feel a presence behind me attempting to grab Kurome.

I grab their hand and turn to see it was Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Impressive response time.

Y/N: (letting go of his hand) Professor?

Ozpin: Excuse my actions Ms.L/N I was simply curious about your attachment with your weapon.

Y/N: You've already seen what happens if I get seperated from it.

Y/N: It's either I find my way to it or it finds it way back to me.

Ozpin: I see...Are you adjusting to your time at Beacon?

Y/N: It feels more...peaceful then what I'm used to.

Ozpin: Considering your daily life style it's to be expected.

Y/N: Yeah...

Ozpin: Why are you alone out here without your team?

Y/N: I have a habit of waking up early and I didn't want to bother them.

Y/N: (I don't want to bother them at all)

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