Chapter 6

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"What's taking him so long?" Chanhee asks himself as he looks down at his phone, reading that it's almost 2:30 in the afternoon, which is almost fifteen minutes after when tutoring should have started. "I thought Changmin said he was going to let him out early, what's taking both of them so long?!"

Chanhee stands in the road in front of Sunwoo's large house. He finds himself either kicking ice clusters or gawking at how pretty and modern the house is. It took him almost a half hour to walk here because his phone maps app kept taking him to other houses, but after he finally found it, he was amazed! Although, he tells himself that he shouldn't be surprised because this is the same neighborhood as Juyeon's mansion, a lot of rich people live around here. And being that Sunwoo's family works for the government, it's no surprise he lives here.

Chanhee stares down at his feet, and after a few seconds, he sees another pair of feet stop about a foot in front of his. He follows the body up, then sees a familiar face that he's been waiting to see for almost an hour: Sunwoo. Sunwoo has a nervous look written all over his face. He has a few strands of his hair glued to his face by sweat because he rushed his way from the school all the way home.

"Hey," Sunwoo nervously greets.

"Hi." Chanhee bows respectfully. "You have such a nice house."

"Thanks, haha." Sunwoo nervously scratches the back of his neck and then opens the door to the gate, letting Chanhee walk in first. He guides Chanhee into the house and let's him put on a pair of slippers that were sat neatly on a rack next to the front entrance.

"You can use my slippers," Sunwoo softly insists and places a pair of his slippers in front of Chanhee. He bows thankfully and slides his much smaller feet into Sunwoo's much larger slippers, then finds himself chuckling out of embarrassment. Sunwoo, in his opinion, finds it very cute how Chanhee has small feet, almost like the size of ten year old's feet.

"I'm going to change real quick, we can study in the TV room." Sunwoo says and brings Chanhee to the TV room. Sunwoo plops down his backpack onto the floor next to a large glass coffee table. After a brief minute or two, Sunwoo comes back to the room newly dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and a white shirt.

He plops down in a crisscross applesauce position on one side of the table, then he starts rummaging through his backpack. He pulls out a thick math notebook that Chanhee knows all too well, it's the math notebook for the highest level math in the school, which coincidentally both are taking.

"I didn't know you were in the same math level as me." Chanhee says as he kneels down on the opposite side of the coffee table and takes out his own math book.

"I don't know either, I've had decent grades in math until now. This math . . . It's just too hard." Sunwoo frowns.

"That's okay! We'll study hard," Chanhee smiles. Sunwoo nods his head as he dumps out a large pouch of black pens and pencils onto the table.

"You see, what I do when I study for math, is that I use pen. So I try to make sure I don't make any mistakes and think harder while doing the math work." Chanhee suggests as he carefully picks a pen from the mess Sunwoo just made on the table.

"Are you on trigonometry right now? That's what my class is on." Chanhee asks as his eyes are glued to the creased, rounded edges of Sunwoo's math book. At first, he assumes that he doesn't take care of his math book, but the moment Sunwoo starts flipping through the pages he comes to find out the Sunwoo scribbles over every page. Chanhee sees almost every problem done over and over again until the answer was right. It's not neglected, it's overused.

"Yeah, I'm on that." Sunwoo says as he flips to the half way finished page.

"I finished mine if you want to check the questions you've already finished." Chanhee says as he was about to slide the book over to Sunwoo's side of the table, but instead, Sunwoo gets up and makes his way over to the side of the table that Chanhee is at.

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