Chapter 5

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School is nearing its end as Chanhee eats his lunch with the rest of the student council members. They're all munching on the pizza that one of the teachers ordered for them as a thank you gift for grading all of the early finals tests, which was fairly easy because you just have to put the papers in a machine. Basically, the robots do the work and the teachers are too old to comprehend how to put a paper in a robot: boomers these days!

Juyeon looks over to notice Chanhee gazing off at the shell white walls of the council room: something is obviously on his mind. Juyeon leans in nonchalantly and nudges his elbow against Chanhee's side to knock him out of his gaze.

"Hey there, why are you day dreaming?" Juyeon asks  with a mouth full of pizza. Chanhee shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair, which is his habit of doing whenever he gets put on the spot.

"Oh, me? Haha, it's nothing. I'm just tutoring Sunwoo after school today for the first time." Chanhee answers, then continues to eat his pizza which has bummered down to a withered down piece of cheesy bread with tomato sauce at room temperature.

"Why are you nervous?" Juyeon peppers another question.

"I'm not nervous."

"Sunwoo fancies you, can't you see?" Juyeon rhetorically points out, then Hyunjae butts his way into the conversation.

"Yo, yo. Juyeon we talked about this, no jealousy today." Hyunjae says while giving Juyeon a knowing look as if the two of them have discussed something earlier without anyone else in their friend group. Juyeon rolls his eyes and finishes up the crust of his pizza before folding his hands behind his head and leaning back against the chair.

"You remember eight grade, Chanhee? It was the day before we graduated and you thought we were going to go to different high schools . . ." Juyeon stops talking as if he has gone back in time and started rewatching the scene in his head. He then continues to narrate the story, "I remember I was lying down on the soccer field behind the school just like I was right now and you came up to me with your little notebook and pen."

"What's with the story?" Changmin chuckles uncomfortably.

"Shh, let him talk!" Hyunjae snaps his fingers and quickly turns back to look at Juyeon like a kid sitting in the story time circle in kindergarten. On the other side of Hyunjae, is Chanhee listening intently. He doesn't even bother finishing his pizza, he lets it lay limp in his grasp in desperation to be eaten.

"I signed your yearbook and you laid down next to me." Juyeon pats his left side of his chest with his big hand and continues, "you laid your head right here as you softly cried, asking me what would happen if 23 went to different high schools."

"I remember that." Chanhee mumbles and hides his beet red face.

"Sounds nostalgic, I think I remember seeing that happen while I was asking Teacher Lee to sign my yearbook. She was pretty hot, I think her boobs are what attracted me." Changmin nods his head and laughs to himself.

"You're such a pervert," Hyunjae mocks and teasingly punches Changmin's arm.

"Chanhee, you see. We're at the same high school now because I didn't want us to be seperated. And I feel as if . . ." Juyeon stops talking and motions with his hand as if Chanhee is getting the gist of what he's trying to get at.

"You think I'm leaving you?"

"I think Sunwoo is trying to take you from us." Juyeon mumbles quietly.

"That sounds dumb, come on." Chanhee groans, dropping his pizza on the paper plate. He folds his arms over his chest as if he's irritated and belittled.

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