Chapter Fifty-Six: The Final Task Part One

Start from the beginning

"Oh honey don't get me started, he-" Theo started before Blaise clasped a hand around his mouth quickly.

"Okay, okay you're right please don't," Blaise rushed out, cautiously taking his hands away from Theo's mouth.

Theo simply sat there with a smirk firmly planted on his face, "What will you give me?" He asked innocently.

"Anything!" Blaise replied wide-eyed.

"Anything? Okay then I want a half-hour massage," Theo said smugly.

"Fine," Blaise said slumping down defeated, to which Theo simply laughed.

"What could you have possibly done Blaise?" Draco asked curiously.

Theo simply chuckled before cupping his hands around his mouth and stage whispering back "He's a bit of a baby," 

"Hey!" Blaise exclaimed.

The group burst out in laughter as Theo attempted to get out of the tickling trap that he had walked into.

"Now now boys be civilised," Professor Snape calmly stated as he walked over to the group.

"Sorry Professor," Blaise said backing off, his smirk still firmly in place.

"It's quite alright," Snape said with the hint of a faint smile at the crease of his lips, "Now, Harry, as I understand you just want to get this competition over and done with, you're not trying to win? Has that changed?" He asked seriously.

"That is correct, I have no intention of even trying," Harry stated.

Draco instantly scowled, "Unless the challenge may have a chance of killing then in that case, of course, you will try!" 

"Of course," Harry agreed smiling softly at Draco's concerned face.

"In that case," Snape bent down next to where Harry was sitting, "Could I suggest staying put, unless the challenge has changed then you shouldn't come to any harm in staying in a safe corner, however, make sure the section is safe before stopping moving, always be on guard." Snape advised before getting up and stating in his same monotone voice, "Good luck Mr Potter,"

"Thank you, Professor," Harry replied, extremely thankful for the Professors advice.

"Now I suggest you get moving, the competition should be starting soon," He stated before turning on his heel and leaving.

"What did he say?" Pansy asked as soon as Snape was out of ear-shot.

"I'm sorry who?" Harry asked innocently before smirking and jumping ot of his seat.

He had found new hope for the competition and was actually excited for it to start, simply so it would be done.

I mean it's not like someone can kill you in a corner right?

With a hop in his step, Harry walked down to the Quidditch pitch which is where the final challenge would happen.

"Wow, Harry you're happy?" Victor said suspiciously, "What happened?"

"Well Victor, I am glad you asked," Harry said in a sing-song voice, "This happens to be our last task and I couldn't be happier for it to be over!"

Victor chuckled, "You know when I first met you I was suspicious that this was your tactic, you know to pretend that you didn't want to win but secretly you were going to try," 

"Not at all my friend, trust me I will be staying as far away from the cup as I possibly can!" Harry exclaimed happily.

"Right gather around Champions," McGonagall yelled from a room under the stands.

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