Hot & Cold Good & Bad

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Valentine's Day.

Oh my, Valentine's Day.

The time when most are alone, when most are calling suicide hotlines, the time when Castiel normally would nearly kill himself.

Though, this year, he wasn't alone.

No, he had Dean Winchester by his side as they sat all curled up in Dean's bed, boxes of Chinese food set out along the comfortor as they picked at it with little chop sticks, having the occasional chop stick sword fight with each other.

They laughed, and they talked, and they ate, and for once, Castiel Novak was outside of his bad place, in the open areas of the good place, taking everything in, and enjoying every moment of it.

It wasn't until they were on done with their food and had thrown everything away until they started talking about a few more personal and edgy topics.

"You have any family other than Sam and Jo?" Cas asked, knowing it was a testy thing to say, though, they were dating, so they may as well just get everything out now.

"Yeah. I got this really great guy named Bobby. He's my dad's old friend, but is basically my surrogate father by now. He's married to this lady named Jody. Oh, she's great. She's real nice." Dean smiled up at Cas, not mentioning a single lick of his father.

Cas smiled warmly, reaching over and taking Dean's hand into his. "I have a dad named Chuck. Two sisters, younger one named Hanna, older one named Anna. I used to have a brother, but you know how that story goes." Cas sighed, looking down to their joined hands, seeing that Dean was rubbing soft circles with his thumb along his skin.

"My dad -- he got real bad. He used to be nice, y'know, when I was a lot younger. But, he started drinking after my mom passed away, things escalated, and eventually, Sammy and I just left. We went to Bobby's, and he took us in. We don't know where our dad is -- his name is John. We blocked him on all of our phones and everything. He was a drunk. And when people get drunk, nothing good comes of it. So.. yeah." Dean sighed, telling the tale as if it were nothing.

Cas didn't know what to say.

He just sat there, like he did in most situations, listening to the music that played softly on the stereo. "I went to this beach once." Cas started, Dean's eyes looking up to his to listen to the story.

"I was younger -- probably fourteen. I had this girlfriend, and she was a bitch, just horrid. I think her name was Hester, or somethin'. I dunno. But we were on this beach, okay? And there was this amazing sunset. This sunset that just captivated me, and I hand to stop, and I had to stare at it because it was just so beautiful. The colors; a mix of blues, purples, oranges, reds, yellows. Hester didn't know what I was doing. And I remember looking over to her, all worried, because somehow, she didn't see the beauty that was placed so perfectly in the sky at that exact moment. And she tried pulling me along, tried to get me to move, but I wouldn't budge, because that sunset was just so perfect, and it was right there, and it was about to die down, so I just had to stay and look at it."

"The only other time I've ever experienced something so beautiful was probably when we were at the park and you said I was beautiful -- when you said I was perfect. That's my new beach moment, Dean. That's the moment I'm going to think back to when I feel sad or worthless. So thank you, Dean Winchester. Thank you for making my life mean something. Thank you for making me want something to look forward to in the morning."

And the moment was just too perfect, because fuck, it was Valentine's Day, and Cas was right there, and Dean was right there, and Cas' eyes were so beautiful, and he couldn't help but lean over and kiss him, right then in there, perfectly, lips crashing against each other's with a hunger that coursed through both of their veins. Though, this hunger wasn't angry, or raging, or forceful. No, it was a hunger for each other than was soft, steady, and easy, and they were moving their lips against each other's in that exact way; soft, steady, and easy.

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