Azkaban - a Drarry fanfiction

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Harry burst into Malfoy's dorm, only to see him calmly packing away his things. Malfoy looked up, looking momentarily surprised, before he wiped the emotion off of his face.

"Is it true? Are they really sending you to Azkaban just for defending yourself?" Harry asked.

"It was a stupid move, and now I'm paying the consequences for my actions." Malfoy said simply.

"How was fighting back when there were five bullies attacking you a 'stupid move'?"

"They were Gryffindors, or Hufflepuffs, or perhaps even Ravenclaws, and I am a Death Eater Slytherin. Of course it was a stupid move."

"What does your House have to do with anything?"

Malfoy threw an exasperated look at Harry. "Are you really that naive? The Ministry isn't going to be lenient towards a Slytherin, no matter the circumstances. After all, I was on the losing side of the war. People aren't exactly fond of me, you know."

"But- They wouldn't- The Ministry wouldn't just- I'll talk to them, and make them reconsider! This isn't fair!"

"It's sweet that you want to help, if only to serve your conscience, but not even the great Harry Potter can help me with this. 'History is written by the winners.' " Malfoy quoted. "It's a saying that means that the only side people listen to is the side that won." With that, he closed his suitcase with a snap, and left the room, leaving Harry dumbfounded.

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