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Summary: One day aliens, that look and act strangely like the Human myth of Vampires, come to Earth because the Universal Council designated Earth as their planet, that they could do what they wished with, as long as they never left. (Basically, the Council recognized that they needed to drink blood to survive, and that was just their nature, so they found this planet that would benefit from having the Vampires anyway, and the creatures there had the perfect composition for the Vampires to drink, so they exiled the Vampires there) Suddenly, everything changed, and Humans were treated the way they had previously treated their animals, with some being kept as pets, ripped away from their parents when young and sold to Vampires, and some being bred and kept for the slaughter houses. The Vampires spoke a different language, and kept their pets in cages, where they had been since they were young (for forced dependency).

Sorry for the bad explanation.

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