Ideas 10

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331. Wizarding world service dog (Harry Potter) 💜
332. Service dog, department of magical law enforcement (Harry Potter) 💜
333. My handler is an Auror (Harry Potter) 💜
334. Service dog, improper use of magic office (Harry Potter) 💜
335. My handler is a Wizengamot (Harry Potter) 💜
336. Service dog, department of magical accidents and catastrophes (Harry Potter) 💜
337. It would be a grave mistake if you pet me, handler has her wand (Harry Potter) 💜
338. Handler is an obliviator, and she can erase your memory of you seeing me (Harry Potter) 💜
339. Service dog, department of magical transportation (Harry Potter) 💜
340. Handler is an unspeakable, pretend as if we're not here (Harry Potter) 💜
341. Service dog to Ludo Bagman (Harry Potter) 💜
342. Handler is the minister of magic, do not mess with us (Harry Potter) 💜
343. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light (Harry Potter) 💜
344. I solemnly swear that I am up to performing my tasks (Harry Potter) 💜
345. Handler is a witch who studies at Hogwarts (Harry Potter) 💜
346. I cast spells for her, don't get in the way (Harry Potter) 💜
347. Stay clear, and back. I'm a mobility and guide dog (regular) 💜
348. Service horcrux (Harry Potter) 💜
349. Together, we master the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter) 💜
350. Spectaculacular service dog (SPN) 💜
351. Be a dear and don't pet me (SPN) 💜
352. Do you want a poem? Stop staring at us! (SPN) 💜
353. Let me in, right freakin now (SPN) 💜
354. Nice try, but this is a working dog so follow the rules (SPN) 💜
355. I'm the Henry to his Ollie (Think Like A Dog) 💜
356. My handler can hear my thoughts (Think Like A Dog) 💜
357. We're a team, I've always got her back and she's got mine (regular) 💜
358. Hypoallergenic service dog, no dog allergy excuses (regular) 💜
359. I'm a good dog (regular) 💜
360. I'm trained to stay by her side, always (regular) 💜

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