Chapter 21: new trouble: something's fishy.....

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For the past few days, Eliza, Kath, and Jordan has been avoiding the boys and I don't think the boys are trying either. Right now we are on our way to the camp fire. Singing, laughing and we are going night swimming. Last night we heard Tommy Elson and Angel Trind hooking up. We all know that Tommy Elson is like one of the 'player' for the nerds. I met him like twice or something. It was funny. And Angel, is a nerd. She did my Science homework like three times. I forgot to do it then I was like 'Danny I need a nerd to do my science' and he was like 'yeah I'll call up Angle Trind'. So that's how I met Angel.

"Hey babe," I look up from my phone. My girls from home were sending me pictures and all of that from what I'm missing from school. They were like I should go to prom there. I guess I could, it wouldn't hurt. See if the queen wanna be is being treated like the queen. I am the Quenn of Jennings High School, I just let my friends take my spot.

"Yeah, sorry I was busy."

"I could see that." I stick out my tongue at him and he did the same.

"You're so childish."

"You're so right. Anyways are you mad about what happened?" I shrug because didn't really know. I personally think that the girls really love the guys and if they are hurt, I'm too.
Danny's pov

After the whole finding out thing, the girls are ignoring the boys. I personally think the boys aren't trying to get them back. They care about their funk buddies. If you ask me am I a player? Yes I am. Probably slept with half of the school. I'm only a one night stand. If you ask who was it, it was Elizabeth Kling. It was good. I didn't use protection because she said she was taking pills and I didn't bring one either. It was in a party and I didn't plan to have a one night stand that night. I just hope she's telling the truth. That happened during summer break. Just the day before Hannah came. The boys say I'm whipped with Hannah and I agree. Hannah and I have been together for 3 weeks. I mean, she's a special one. I asked her if she's mad about what happened she just shrugged. I'm confused too. We finally reached the camp fire. We are just gonna relax and have some fun. I could see other wanna be jocks stating at Hannah. I just ignored them. I see my kind of like reporter of what's happening and he comes to me.

"Sir.Danny, we actually have a couple of things to um....discuss." I nod and turn to Hannah.

"Hey, babe?" She looks at me and kisses my cheek. "I need to talk to Jeremy for a couple of minutes. Do you mind? I just have to take care some things."

"That's fine. I'll be with girls and probably meet some new people." I kiss her cheek and she runs over to the girls.

"Okay, Sir. The game for next week is organized. We have security and enough bleachers for everyone." I nod. " still need to talk to the boys about the issue." Hats gonna be a hard one. Well I guess I could bench them for next week's game. "And the biggest one, Elizabeth Kling is," Jeremy took a big breath. Wait, he doesn't do that unless it's bad, or its gonna ruin some thing. "She's...p-p-"

"Just spit it out!"

"She's pregnant."

"Can you repeat what you just said?"

"She's pregnant Sir."

"How does she know it's mine?"

"They went to a check up and ask the doctor who was the father. They took some blood sample and....its yours Sir."

"Alright, um....yeah, just take the rest of the night off or something. Have some fun thank you." He nods and gives me I'm-sorry look. I row the closest thing next to me. How am I gonna tell my parents? He worst thing is how am I gonna Hannah?
Do you think he'll tell Hannah? Or just like break up with her?

Sorry for like not updating really long, I've been having writers block. So yeah. Comment some idea of like for he next chapter.






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