"Can you at least attempt to care about yourself?" Sophie grabbed some paper towels and held them out. "If you don't clean yourself up I will." Rebecca sighed and took the paper towels, setting them aside before grabbing the Dawn dish soap. "Now, Becca."

"This dog is hurt and scared and blind Sophie." Rebecca glanced at her, rubbing the soap through his fur. "I'm barely bleeding and I'm fine. Let me take care of this dog."

"Hey, loosen up Bex." Jin put his hand on her shoulder, concern etched into his face. "Relax, you're super tense. Take a deep breath. The dog will be fine." Rebecca shrugged his hand off of her shoulder.

"And so will I."


"Oz." Rebecca tugged on his leash lightly. "Stay close, goofball."

Sophie glanced over at Hoseok, her heart pounding in her chest. Man has she had a crush on him since day one. The minute she first saw the Fake Love music video, damn, she was head over heels for him.

She couldn't wrap her head around that she was staying under the same roof as him for a few days. She also couldn't process how Rebecca acted like he was just a friend, like they've known each other for years. Sophie was a nervous wreck when he talked to her.

Hoseok? Oh he knows what he's doing. He's an idol, he knows when people like him. He's seen her eyes on him. And honestly, he's found himself smiling once she talked, held eye contact with her just a little while longer.

But that's not the point. The point is what happened in the next eight minutes.

You see, Hoseok was distracted by the buildings around him. Rebecca was trying to restrain Ozzy from running free and carrying the puppy, as well as Spots on her other wrist. Sophie was distracted by Hoseok and his brilliant smile.

The man saw that Rebecca only held Ozzy's leash by her fingers. It wasn't around her wrist like Spots. This is why he decided to steal Ozzy. A beautiful Australian Shepherd, full grown, strong and healthy looking. He could make some major money off of this dog.

The man beside her looked too soft and too nice to do any damage, heck, probably too weak to run against him. And the other girl, same as the guy. The girl with the dog, Becca, yeah, she'd chase him, easily. She looked scary. But she has an injured dog in her hands and another around her wrist.

This was going to be easy.

It happened so fast. He ran, and when he did, Rebecca had her arm out, about to pull Ozzy back once more. Her jaw dropped once she watched the man drag Ozzy to the other side of the street.

"Hey that's my dog!" She shouted, putting the puppy on the ground and dropping Spots' leash. The man was face to face with a police officer he did not see before. He dropped the leash and bolted, the officer startled at first, but started the chase.

Ozzy was scared. He wasn't with his mom. But once he saw her across the street, he ran. Now, as a dog, you aren't taught to look both ways before crossing the road.

"No!" Rebecca ran forward, the car in the corner of her eye. Hoseok pulled her back just as the car flew past them, Ozzy, unfortunately, a small bump in the road for this car. Rebecca doubled over, her hands covering her mouth as the car came screeching to a stop.

But the damage was already done.

The screeching wasn't the loudest thing that tore into Rebecca's ears. No, it was the yelp Ozzy let out. It was the sound of his body being shoved against the pavement, the sound of his bones cracking beneath the tires.

It was the sound of his blood falling onto the pavement.

Spots whined as he sat beside his mom and brother. He watched his mom pull his brother into her arms, stroking his fur gently, tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, hey Ozzy, Ozzy look at me." Rebecca clicked her tongue softly, Ozzy still managing to look at her despite his heart failing inside of him. "That's my Ozzy." She didn't pay any attention to the driver running towards them, eyes full of panic.

"Just stay back man." Hoseok spoke lowly, keeping the driver away from Rebecca and her two dogs, Sophie beside her with the puppy. "Give her space."

"You're such a good boy." Rebecca's voice shook. "The bestest boy." She felt his heart stopped, saw his sparkle leave his eye, his tail no longer wagging. No matter what, he was always wagging his tail. He was the happiest dog there was. She sobbed out and hugged the bloodied dog close to her, her tears wetting the fur that wasn't drenched in blood.

'Mom, what happened to brother?' Spots put his paw on her knee, whining. 'Why isn't Brother breathing? Mom? Mom is he gone? Is Brother gone?'

"I'm so sorry Spots."

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