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"Hot fudge sundae or an oreo blast with warm brownie bites on top?"

"Y/n, that is an impossible choice."

"You have to choose though, Lisa."

"Maybe the oreo blast. That's only because you said there would be brownie bites on top."

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"You see that poster on the side of the school?"

"What does it say?"

As you got closer the poster, you could see a picture of Jennie with the word "slut" written in all red across her face.

"Who did this?"

"Let's head to her room and ask her. We still have almost 30 minutes before we have to go to science."


"Who do you think would do this?"

"I'm not sure."

"You don't think..."


"You don't think Kai would do something like this...do you?"

"I think he would. She did just break up with him a few weeks ago. Plus, he is crazy. Look at this. They're everywhere!"

The halls leading you Jennie's room were plastered with posters.


"Come on."

As you walked into Jennie's room, you saw the dean and some board members surrounding her desk.

"Ms. Kim, we want to know what the meaning of this is," the dean said.

"I don't know, Dean Kingsley."

"So, there is no one you know of that would do this to you?"

"Maybe my former partner would. He's known for being a rash person."

"This is Mr. Kim from the math department I assume you are talking about."


"There is a problem here though, Ms. Kim."

"What might this problem be, Dean?"

"He said you would try to blame this on him."

"Where is the problem here?"

"He had another story to tell. He says that you would deliberately blame this on him to get back at him."

"Why would he say that? Even if I was one, why would I try to inform the whole student body that I was a slut?"

"To get him fired. He says that you two don't have the best past and that you weren't the best person to be around."


"He said that when he ended your relationship that you were pretty furious. He said that you might want to get back at him for ending things."

"He didn't end things. I ended things to be with..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, Dean."

"Ms. Kim, the odds are not in your favor right now. It looks like you set him up to do something like getting him fired."

"Why would I do this just to get him fired though? I wouldn't ruin my reputation just for him to get fired."

"I'm just telling you the facts, Ms. Kim."

"Don't you have footage of who did this? There are cameras in the hallway."

"Our security system was down for repairs all of yesterday and some part of today."

"How convenient. Dean, I don't want to lose my job. I've been working here for less than a year, and I can assure you that I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my place here. I love it here."

"I can believe that you like this school, but I can't believe you until all of the evidence is gathered. Right now, there are 2 people telling me 2 very different things. I can't just choose a side. I could choose the wrong one."

"I understand."

"I will sit with the board throughout some of the day today. We will discuss how we will approach this, and continue to find out who really did this."


"Until then, I want that you cancel all of the rest of your classes today and go home. Your accusor has done the same. Any other information you have you can send to me by email."

"Thank you, Dean."

"Wow, that was intense," Lisa whispered.

"Yeah, it was."

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, I can't really do much. It's not like I'm a detective. It's just Jennie's word against Kai's at this point."


"I hope the bastard gets caught though."

"What do you think will happen if Jennie gets blamed?"

"You heard her. She'll probably get fired."

"I hope she doesn't. She's the only teacher that I get to hear gossip from."

"What about your girlfriend?"

"She won't gossip with me for some reason."

"Must suck. Speaking of your girlfriend, we have to get to her class."

"It's been 20 minutes already?"

"I guess so. Time flies by fast when you eavesdrop."

"Come on. I have some before class kissing to do."

"Ew. Please don't do that in front of me. I don't want to be scared."

"Too bad! Let's go!"

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