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He was back to ruin it all again. He took the person you loved away from you. The person in which he pushed you towards in the beginning. He wanted you to ask Jennie out those years ago. What was the purpose if he was only going to rip her from your grasp.

Every day you had the luxury of seeing them happy together.



The occasional kiss on the cheek.

It was as if the universe had some kind of vengeance against you...

The on-campus restaurant was crowded as usual. You and Lisa had thankfully gotten a table before the lunch rush piled in.

"So, do you plan on going back to her for tutoring?"

"I don't know, Lisa. It's just that lately I have been feeling weird around her. I feel like I have to hold my breath and make sure my every move is a good one for her sake."

"Y/n, don't tell m-"

"Don't tell you what?"

"Don't tell me that you still like her. After everything she's done to you..."

"I am 100% sure I do not like this woman. I trusted her, and many years ago she broke that trust."

"There was that time you two almost kissed though."

"Which was something that will never happen again. We were just caught up in the moment. It was a perfect day in the courtyard, and we brought back old feelings. If I'm being honest, It's not like I stopped loving her after what she did. It was just that I didn't trust her anym-"

"Good afternoon, you guys!"

Kai. It just had to be Kai.

"Hello, Mr. Kim," Lisa greeted.


"Save it, Kim."

"Please, y/n. I just wanted to apologize for how I acted with you the other day. I wasn't having the best day, and I took my irritation out on you. I'm sorry."

"That's all you want to apolog-"

"Kai, did you find a tab-...hi."

"Hello, Ms. Kim."

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Lisa trying not to laugh.

"Well, it looks like there aren't any more seats. We can just take it back to your house, Jennie."

"There are some free seats here you guys," the pair beside you said.

"Thank you," Kai said, sitting diagonally from you.

Jennie had no choice but to sit beside you, the crowded booth forcing the two of you to leave no space between the two of you.

"So, I heard that Jennie is tutoring you, y/n."

"I guess that means your ears work then."

That earned you one painful pinch to the thigh by Jennie Kim.

'Why is she doing that to me? I have a right not to like this fake, girlfriend stealing bastard!'

"Yes, I have been tutoring her/him," Jennie answered.

"That's good that you have someone to help you in your weak areas."

Right as you were about to say something, you felt Jennie grip and squeeze your leg.

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