Chapter 15

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I walked into my house, everything was foggy, then I saw Allie,
I said" Allie, what's going on?"
She said" You should have come home, Jasper... He killed me because of you... we all know he hated you the most, he beat you the most. No one could love you, Jasper."
" Wh-What?" She turned around, I saw the blood sliding down her neck, I gagged, then stared at her.
" I'm dead because of you! I'm dead because of you!"

I jolted up,
I screamed" Dad?!" I pushed at my covers, screaming, I heard running, then my door opened. I couldn't take my eyes off my hands, they were covered in blood...
I heard Calum say" Hey, hey, hey, JJ, hey..." He grabbed my face, making me look at him, I was shaking so much." Focus on me, focus on me, focus on me." I looked at him, blinking a lot," Hey, hey, JJ." His arms wrapped around me, I dug my face into his arm. He laid his chin on my head," Just breathe, okay? Just breathe, in and out, slowly." I started breathing slowly...
After a few minutes, which honestly seemed like eternity, I could focus again.
He said" Are you okay, JJ?" I didn't move," Just keep breathing, okay?" I nodded," Wanna go back to sleep?" I shook my head," Wanna be alone?" I shook my head," Wanna come out here with me and Mikey?" I nodded my head, he got up, I tensed up as he moved away from me." Hey, I'm not going anywhere, come on." He grabbed my arms, I yelped and pulled away from him." Hey, hey, hey, what happened? Whoa... okay, come on, let's go into the lounge." He grabbed my hands, helping me up, I stood up, shaking. He grabbed my stuff, leading me to the lounge.

I sat down, pulling my knees to my chest, I was still shaking,
Calum said" Let me see your arms, kiddo." I held out my arms to him, he skimmed my arms, I hissed in pain, looking at him. I looked at my arms and saw scratch marks down them, I gulped," It's okay, it's okay, JJ. Nothing to be worried about. Nightmare?" I nodded," What was it about?" I wrote, Allie was telling me it was all my fault, that I'm the reason she's dead." You know that's not true, right? None of that was your fault, JJ." Are you sure?," I'm positive, JJ. None of that was your fault." Okay." Stop blaming yourself, kiddo. None of that was your fault, okay? None." I nodded my head, sighing, Mikey and him started cleaning the scratches. I gulped, flinching as they wiped my arms with rubbing alcohol.
Juni walked up,
He said" Hey, JJ!" I waved, following him through the hallway," They said we're hanging here today, so it's gonna be a snooze-fest." I sat down on the bench, shrugging," How much sleep do you get? The bags under your eyes could hold a million things of luggage." I wrote, Not a lot. I've got problems." Okay. Wanna talk about them?" I shook my head," Okay. What do you wanna do? They've got an amazing mini skate park, if you wanna go there." I nodded," Come on." We walked out of the building, and walked out to the skate area.

I was watching him skate, he skated up to me,
He said" Come on! Just try it out." I stood up, he got off the board, I wrote, But what if I fall?," I'll catch you!" I gulped, putting down my iPad, and got on the board. I wiggled," Whoa! Calm down!" I calmed down, I breathed out, then wobbled," Steady, steady. Okay, I'm gonna push you, okay?" I nodded, he pushed me, I wobbled then fell, I hit the ground, hard, I yelped." Are you okay?" I nodded my head, he held out his hands. I grabbed his wrists, then he grabbed mine, I yelped loudly, pulling from him, and crawling back. I breathed heavily," Whoa! Are you okay?" I wrapped my arms around myself, looking at him, I gulped, nodding my head." Are you sure?" I nodded again, I stood up, my legs wobbled, then I fell again, I hissed in pain." Hey, wait a second." He helped me stand then sit on a bench, he sat next to me." Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded my head," Swear it?" I tried to nod but I shook my head, he sighed," It's okay if you don't wanna tell me, I'd just like to know if you're okay." I sighed, then hissed as my arm ached," Hey, are you okay?" He grabbed my arms, I yelped, pulling away from him. He looked hurt when I pulled away, I gulped then took a deep breathe. I rolled up my sleeves to show my healing arms, I looked down, then went to get up. He pulled me back down, handing me my iPad, I whimpered. I wrote, I have a lot of problems, Juni." You hurt yourself?" I looked at him, I did twice, but these new ones. I had a nightmare and kinda scratched myself in my sleep, but it's okay! They'll heal." What was your nightmare about?" I looked down, gulping," Something you don't wanna talk about?" I nodded," Cool, it's cool. Come on, wanna try again?" I shook my head," All right. Let's go find something else to do."

All of the teens were watching a movie, a scene came on, a woman was getting her throat slit. I breathed heavily watching her scream at her capturer.
Allie screamed" Leave me alone! No! No! JJ! JJ?!" I wobbled, standing up,
I heard Juni say" JJ, are you okay? JJ?" I ran, as fast as I could, I got to the door and pushed, I ran out and down the road. Tears were pouring down my face, I gasped, then ran faster, I breathed heavily, I looked around. I saw a park, I ran to it and sat on a bench, I pulled out my phone, calling Calum.
He said" JJ? What's wrong?"
I muttered" D-Dad..."
" I'm on the way. Stay where you are, JJ."

After 15 or so minutes, I heard the guys,
Calum said" There he is." I heard him run to me," Hey, dude..." He crouched down in front of me, I looked at him, shaking. I felt numb, I couldn't feel anything, it's like I wasn't even here, it felt like I was nothing.

Calum's POV
We were messing around on our guitars and drum, my phone rang, I grabbed it and saw JJ's photo pop up. I answered" JJ? What's wrong?" I heard his heavy breathing,
He muttered" D-Dad..." The waver in his voice...
" I'm on the way. Stay where you are, JJ." I hung up, I checked his location, he was at a park about 2 miles from the day camp center." Guys, come on! We gotta go get JJ."

We finally got to him, we started looking around, then I saw him sitting on a bench.
Mikey said" You see him?"
I said" There he is." I ran to him, i heard the guys following after me, quickly," Hey, dude..." I crouched down in front of him, I looked at him, he was shaking so much. I could tell he wasn't here, he was in his mind, he was freaked out. I lifted him up, his head slumped against my chest, I sighed," Come on, JJ, let's get you to bed."

Once we got home, I lifted him back up and carried him inside. I laid him down on his bed, he was passed out, I sighed and kissed his head. I pulled a blanket over him, rubbing his hair back, he whined and rolled over. I sighed then walked out, leaving his door open this time.
I walked into the living room, and saw the guys waiting,
Luke asked" He okay?"
I said" He's asleep. He didn't even look like he was there at the park... it was terrifying."
" He'll be okay, Cal, kid's tough."

After a few hours, JJ walked out, he walked to me and sat down. He wrote, I'm sorry.
I said" It's okay, JJ. You've got nothing to be sorry for." I ran again, I got scared and I ran again." It's okay, you must have been really scared, huh? What happened?" They were watching a movie, and a girl was getting her throat... I heard Allie's voice, and I just ran." It's okay, it's okay, just try and get some more rest, okay? You look exhausted." Juni saw the marks I left on myself, but he didn't care. I liked that." That's a true friend, kiddo. They're there for you, no matter what." He nodded his head, then sighed, I'm tired, it was like I was numb." Get some more sleep, okay? Just a few more hours, and we'll get something to eat once you wake up." Okay. He laid his head back, falling asleep easily, I stared at him, I've gotta get him through this bump, I've gotta make sure he's okay.

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