Chapter 2

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We got to the mall, I gulped, staring at all the people, I messed with my cube, tapping my foot. Calum looked at me,
He said" Hey, JJ, it's okay." He nodded his head, I nodded my head, I wrote, Ok.
Luke said" Come on, guys." We followed them, we got to the food court, I flinched as my stomach rumbled.
" Hey, what do you want to eat?" Nothing?," You've gotta eat something, JJ." I nodded my head, chewing my lip, Whatever you want its ok," Okay."

They were eating, I was staring at the grilled chicken sandwich and fries on the plate in front of me.
Calum said" JJ, gotta eat." I gulped, nodding my head,
Luke said" JJ, what's your favorite candy?" I wrote, gummy worms and chocolate," How long has it been since you've had those?" A few weeks, I think." Okay, what if you eat a few bites, and each bite equals a bag of candy."
" There's a candy store in the mall, just eat a few bites, that's all I'm asking." I nodded, picking up the sandwich, taking a bite, I chewed it then swallowed, my eyes squeezed shut. I opened my eyes, breathing heavily," It's okay, JJ." I nodded my head, I ate a fry, it felt like my throat clogged up. I pushed back the feeling, and took another bite, I flinched as my stomach started turning. I ate a few more fries then pushing the tray away from me, I covered my head with my arms and whimpered. I felt a hand on my shoulder," Need to go to the bathroom?" I shook my head, breathing in deeply," Positive?" I nodded my head," Okay."

They were forcing me to get clothes and stuff, I was pouting,
Calum said" I know you don't want me buying things for you, JJ, but you might as well get used to it." I wrote quickly, No!," Still gonna buy you stuff, kiddo." Fine!," Good. Now, pick out some stuff." I picked out some stuff, showing him," Thanks." I sighed, continuing to find stuff that I liked,
Mikey said" Hey, what about this?" He was wearing a costume hat,
" Just ignore him, JJ, he's half way crazy." I nodded my head,
" Hey! I am not half way crazy, I'm fully crazy."
" See?"
I was trying on jeans, then I got stuck, I fell onto the ground, wriggling, trying to get out. I breathed heavily, I grunted,
I heard Luke say" JJ, you okay?" I whined loudly," Hey, JJ, you okay?" I hit my head on the wall, I groaned softly, he opened the door and saw me," Hey, hey, calm down." I struggled," JJ, it's okay." He grabbed my hands, pulling me up, Ash came in, he got my leg unstuck, I breathed heavily, pulling my knees to my chest, covering my face.
Ash asked" You okay, JJ?"
" It's okay, JJ. You're fine." I peeked up," Hey, what's that?" I covered my legs with my arms, shaking my head quickly." Come on, get your jeans on and we'll go find more clothes." I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on, I pulled on my shoes and followed them out. We walked to Calum and Mikey, then I heard people scream happily,
Ash said" We've been made."
" JJ, stay close." I looked at them, tilting my head, biting my lip, I gulped," It's okay, just fans. Nothing to worry about." They walked over to Calum and Mikey, Luke holding my sleeve. The crowd got bigger, Luke let go of my sleeve, I took off, I skidded, turning on my heel, how do I get out of here! I looked at the signs, but my vision was blurry with tears. I breathed heavily, I want my mom! My whole body was shaking, my throat clogged up. I went for my bag, but I didn't have it, my body tensed up, no, no, no! No! No!
My body was on fire, I was shaking so much,
I heard someone say" JJ!" I turned quick and saw Ash, I ran to him and dug my face into his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around me." Hey, buddy, it's alright. Come on, let's get back to the guys, Cal's worried sick about you."

I saw Calum, I ran to him, wrapping my arms around his stomach, he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head, I tried to calm myself down but I can't.
He said" Hey, hey, you're okay, you're okay, you're okay, JJ." I dug my face into his shoulder," Here. Talk to me." He handed me my iPad, I pushed it into his arms, covering my face, quickly." Hey, hey, look, hey. Look at me, JJ." I looked at him," You okay?" I nodded," No, you're not. Panic attack?" I nodded," I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you, but why'd you take off like that? That wasn't safe, dude." I grabbed my iPad, writing quickly, I'm sorry don't hit me. I looked at him," What, I'd never hit you, JJ. You know that, right?" Sorry again," Stop apologizing." Sorry, Never mind." Why'd you take off like that?" I got scared," So you run?" I nodded," Okay, just... don't do that again, I was worried sick, someone could have grabbed you or you could have gotten hurt." I nodded again," Okay, let's go find you some more stuff, okay?" I nodded, he gave me my bag, I instantly put it on, I looked at him," Come on."

Calum's POV
I lifted JJ into my arms, he passed out the second the car started moving, I carried him inside and to his room. I laid him down, then walked out again, I stopped at the door. I looked at him, he turned over and dug his face into the pillow, sighing, I smiled then walked to the guys. They were bringing in the stuff,
Mikey said" You know, he barely got anything!"
I said" He thought I'd hit him..." I looked down,
Luke said" Cal, he was abused... what's going through his head, is bad, Cal... way bad. And I'm pretty sure he's afraid of everyone. He doesn't know who to trust, who to go to when he's scared."
" I get it... I just need to know everything to help him."

After a little while, JJ walked into the living room, the guys left an hour or so ago. He sat next to me, then wrote, Hi.
I said" Hey, JJ. It's just you and me, the guys left an hour or so ago." He nodded," Wanna play a game?" He shook his head," How about you tell me your favorite color?" Green. I nodded," Cool, what about your favorite animal?" The Fox or the Cheetah," Ice cream flavor?" Chocolate Vanilla," Favorite movie?" Free Willy," What did your stepdad do to you, JJ?" He gulped, looking down, He'd hit Allie when he was drunk, so I'd protect her, tell her to run. She would, but when I'd run he pulled me back and beat for at least 2 hours, kicking, punching. When he'd get angry, he throw glasses at me, got cut a few times, left scars." I'm so sorry, JJ. I wish that'd never happened to you." It's okay, he looked down, Did they ever find him? No one would tell me anything." Yeah, they did, JJ. He can't hurt you anymore." He was breathing heavily, shaking," Hey, hey, you hear me? He can't hurt you anymore, JJ." His lips shook,
He mumbled" I-I.. I-I..." He started coughing, I rubbed his back, he gritted his teeth, I want my mom!, he dropped his ipad and took off to his room, he slammed the door. I sighed, then put my head in my hands, I've gotta help him, somehow, someway.

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