The Busty Bovine

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Disclaimers: I do not own Fairy Tail

A/N: As you're going to find out as you read through this story (If you already haven't) is that Perses, unlike Harpocrates or Romeo, is exactly what you would expect from someone who works for Acnologia.

I would like to thank Tenryu no hoko for helping me with this. You should go read their stories when you have the chance.

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The Busty Bovine

"Where the fuck is this place?" Perses grumbles as he travels the back alleys through the eastern district of Rosetta's, looking for the rendezvous point. While in transit toward Rosetta, Harpocrates and he received word from Lord Acnologia himself that one of his local agents operating in the city was to meet them around noon the day of their arrival at a tavern called the "The Busty Bovine". The Second Gen drew the short straw, not that he had much of a choice, to go make contact and meet up with them while Harpocrates scope out the city and took notes on the local law enforcement.

"All because Erebus has a hit on him. Big fucking deal", he complains before the sound of shouting and glass breaking fills his ears and he stops to listen to where it was coming from.

"Just a little ways away", he said as he turns his head to his left, "That way", and takes off in a fast walk down the alley. He passes through a couple of groups of lowlifes, scums, and other not so lawful people, but they were smart enough to avoid causing trouble with him once they spotted the giant sword shape object on his back.

"Pussies", Perses grumbles, "And here I was hoping for a little fun before my "business" meeting."

As he came out of the alleyway, he instantly stops and holds a hand up in front of his face on his left side. Not even a second later, a bottle of rum flies at it and he catches it with the greatest of ease. As he tosses it away, he looks over to see who threw it he realizes that it must have been one the participates in the large brawl that was happening right in the middle of the poorly-maintain street. Various gangs of thugs were lock in what seemed to be a no-holds brawl as most of them were using a variety of weapons to dish out pain as well as kicks to the groin and eye-gouges all in broad daylight.

"Looks like I'm in the right place", he told himself.

Normally, Perses would jump right into such a melee if only to blow off some steam but he had to find this "contact" as soon as possible. Just his luck that the place he was looking for just so happen to be right behind the brawl, the store sign with the image of a humanoid cow with large breasts being a clear indicator along with the words "The Busty Bovine" right next to it.

"Lovely", the Second-Gen mumbles as he heads toward the front door, a path that took him directly through the middle of the scuffle. The sound of broken bones and flesh being torn from the body didn't bother him in the slightest as he made no attempt to either block or dodge any hits that came his way.

One man had the misfortune of landing a solid punch on the Perses' jaw but it was his own hand that crumble upon impact. He didn't even have time to let out a blood-curling scream of agony before the dragon-slayer backhanded him without a second thought and sent him flying down the road. The next man clearly didn't see what he just did or else he would have chosen not to attack Perses with a crowbar to the top of his head. The piece of metal was quickly taken out of his hand by the agent of the Dragon King and before he could even react to this, Perses swiftly and easily wrap it around his neck before leaving him to choke as he collapses to the ground, struggling for air as the bar was now preventing from doing so naturally.

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