Two Slayers, an Assassin and a Holy Place

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"Where is that asshole? I need to hit something", Chelia wonders to herself as she made her way down to Magnolia from the Fairy Tail guild hall. Her guild was once again visiting and she found herself extremely bored at the building, especially compared to the last time she visited. She was hoping she could finally get her rematch today with the dragon-slayer and prove once and for all that she was the superior mage.

"Today was supposed to be the day. This was to be the day I prove to him, my guild, and everyone else, that God-Slayer magic is miles above any other type of slayer magic, especially Dragon-Slayer", she told herself, her fists clenched, "I been breaking my back training with Jura-sama ever since Romeo barely defeated me and the fruits of my labor would have finally been shown."

All the way on the train from Margaret Town, it took all of Chelia's self-control to keep a straight face while watching the landscape roll by, her excitement at a level she hasn't felt since her graduation day from the Royal Magic Academy; she was actually wishing that the train could go faster, anything to bring her hour of victory all the closer.

But as soon as she got to the Fairy Tail guild hall and found out that Romeo wasn't there, it all came crashing down...along with the sign on the front of the building as the girl stomped out in anger, ignoring the calls of her cousin and fellow guildmates, including Lyon.

"I came all this way to kick his ass and the idiot doesn't even have the common courtesy to be at the guild hall!", she growled as she got to the edge of the city and found it deserted, an odd sight for a town of over fifty thousand people, especially at this time of day.

"Huh, must be something going on today, there's not a single person is out right now", Chelia notices as she observes the empty streets, her anger cool a little by the peculiar sight, "But it's funny, I don't recall hearing anything about a big event going on from the Fairy Tail guys."

She wanders the streets in silence for a moment, looking everywhere for any activity, but was surprised to find none.

"Maybe it's taking place in the main square", she thought before noticing movement out of the corner of her left eye. She quickly snaps her neck in that direction just in time to see a figure quickly close a window shutter of a nearby house, a little too quickly for Chelia's liking.

"Well, that just screams suspicious, you could at least be a little more discreet about it", Chelia thought as she silently strolls over to the window and presses her ear against the glass. Yeah, this might seem like an invasion of privacy, but something funny was going all and she was going to get to the bottom of it. As she listens in she heard the muttering of voices within the house. As she focuses her magic, she is able to pick up the voices more clearly and she couldn't help but smirk at the accomplishment for, despite popular belief, dragon-slayer mages weren't the only ones who received a boost to their senses, all slayer mages received one, though nowhere near the same degree as those who took up the draconic arts of slayer magic. Chelia figures that that was the only reason Romeo heard the wyvern and smelt the yeti back in the mountains when she couldn't. She was one hundred percent sure that if God-Slayer magic senses boosting was on equal level with Dragon-Slayer magic, she too would have noticed them.

But back to the matter at hand as Chelia listened in to the conversation going on inside....

"What is that girl doing?" a feminine voice asks, "Doesn't she know what's going on today?"

"Foolish woman, did you not recognize her?", a now masculine voice questioned, "That's the girl from the other week who fought with the dragon spawn and destroyed part of the town!"

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