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Disclaimers: I do not own Fairy Tail

A/N: Alright, finally, I have an update for ya'll. Also, I have come to a decision and decided to push back the Mest/Romeo encounter and instead chose to get Tenrou into the mix.

Please review, fav, or follow if you want.

Also, check out the Fiery Hurricane of Love and Wild Master.

Chapter 13


Just as Romeo was going to press forward with his recollection, the gate of their cell is open and a Sergeant walks in flank by three men on each side of him.

"The Captain summons you both, come", he orders and both of the slayers move to comply though Chelia couldn't resist rolling her eyes as once again she was interrupted from hearing Romeo side of the story.

They are escorted to Lahar's tent where the Captain along with Jura, Macao, and a new figure who looked highly displeased. The man was wearing the traditional cardinal robes of the Zentopia Church with his dull green eyes clashing with a large number of wrinkles across his face and his faded black hair that was slick back.

The moment Romeo's eyes met his a wave of hostility began to emit from the cardinal. Surprisingly, it wasn't just aimed at him but Chelia as well and Romeo could make a good guess why.

"Ah, the two heathens that dare desecrate our holy grounds have finally arrived", the Cardinal spat.

"Cardinal Pegeoa, if you please, allow me to handle this", Lahar all but orders the man before turning back to Romeo.

"Romeo Conbolt, Chelia Blendy", Lahar began, "After a lengthy discussion with Jura-sama and your father, I have decided to let the two of you go."

Silence descends onto the tent as both Romeo and Chelia share baffle looks at one another for this was the complete opposite of what they were expecting.

"Just like that? You're letting us go?", Romeo asks only to have the captain immediately throw a nasty glare at him.

"Only because your claims of self-defense are indeed valid seeing how you perfectly describe the assassin known as Ikaruga of the Silent Wind and we have indeed found evidence of sword slashes too long to have been made by your blades across the cathedral", Lahar explains, "Plus, we have received intelligence indicating that she and her guild have indeed been active in Fiore recently."

"That's some pretty convenient intelligence", Romeo tells himself but spares a glance over at Chelia, "So I guess she didn't tell them about Harpocrates and Perses. Smart move, those two don't make threats, they make promises, especially Perses."

"But despite your claims of self-defense, there is still the matter of the damage you cause to the cathedral", Lahar continue.

"Damage?!", Cardinal Pegeoa suddenly screams, startling everyone within the tent, even Romeo had to stop himself short of drawing his dual blades seeing how that probably would have been the wrong reaction, "Damage doesn't begin to describe the sacrilegious these two cause to the Kardia Cathedral!"

"Which they did, cardinal, in the defense of their lives against a highly-train assassin", Jura interject, "Surely you can see the logic behind their actions."

"Self-defense or not, these two monsters have caused untold damage to one of the three greatest churches in all of Fiore!", Cardinal Pegeoa snap, "And they will pay for it! I demand reparations!"

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